We hope you’re enjoying everything that Read Live has to offer. We want to let you know of an upcoming price change to your subscription. Read Naturally is committed to continually innovating our products and delivering value to our customers.

Starting on September 1st, 2024, the price of Read Live annual subscriptions will increase by $3.00 a year/user - this nets out to just $0.25 a month for all that Read Live has to offer. The new price will take effect with your next renewal cycle on or after September 1st, 2024.

Since the last price increase in 2017, we have added tremendous improvements to the Read Live platform to accelerate reading achievement and to save teacher time. We hope you are enjoying the added value of…

  • Word Warm-ups Live levels 1, 2, and 3
  • One Minute Reader Live
  • Read Naturally Live—Español
  • Phontastic
  • Independent student placement
  • Data Mentor
  • WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility features
  • Connection with Clever, Classlink, and Google Classroom

If you would like to lock in current pricing, we do accept early renewal of accounts that are set to renew after August 31st, 2024. We also allow locking in the best prices with multi-year subscriptions. Call (800) 788-4085 to speak with customer service about a quote.

We thank you for being a loyal Read Live customer.