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As you prepare to assess students in reading this spring, take a moment to read these wise words from Read Naturally founder, Candyce Ihnot.

In my fourth-grade classroom, I sometimes felt like a circus ringmaster, trying to manage multiple groups of students at different ability levels while making sure that all 24 students were engaged in a productive activity. Anyone who has stepped inside a classroom has seen the evidence of...

Every year since 1987, March has been designated by presidential proclamation as Women’s History Month. This annual celebration of women’s contributions to American history began as Women’s History Week in 1978, and today countries like Canada and Australia also honor women and...

Regardless of where kids are on their reading journey, there are countless ways to boost their literacy this spring. Here are some easy ideas for kids to try at home or for teachers to incorporate into the classroom. The free printables in this post will also make a great packet to send home over spring break!

March is National Reading Month, a time to celebrate reading. As a literacy company, reading celebrations are our favorite! In honor of National Reading Month, we polled the Read Naturally staff to find out why they love reading. We hope their responses will inspire you and your students to spend some time enjoying a good book together!  

Congrats to Evrhett, our March Star of the Month! Evrhett is a third grader at Palo Verde Elementary School in Palo Verde, AZ. Here is what his teacher, Ms. Jones, has to say about him:

Have you ever heard comments like this? They’ve been popping up lately in online discussion forums, and surprisingly, they’re not sparking much debate. Is reading fluency just a natural byproduct of decoding development? If only it were that simple! Fluency is one of the five...

Do you love Read Naturally programs? Leave a review on our website, and we’ll enter you to win a free set of our new GATE+ phonics program! 

“Why do you have a level 5.6…What happened to level 5.5?” This question comes into our customer service department fairly frequently, though there’s no official tally. I have actually wondered about this myself! Here is the history on Level 5.6, from one of our original writers:  

This parent-teacher conference season, we hope you have the pleasure of sharing great news about your students’ growth in reading. Many parents will wonder how they can help foster this growth at home. We have developed several handouts and programs specifically for this purpose, and conferences are a great time to offer these free resources to parents.

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry





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