Assessment Tools

Quick Phonics Screener

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10% Off QPS through May 31, 2025

Save 10% off all QPS orders through May 31, 2025. Use the following code at checkout to have your discount applied: 10offQPS

Add Dr. Jan Hasbrouck's Quick Phonics Screener Third Edition (2017) to your reading assessment toolkit. The third edition of this proven diagnostic phonics assessment includes the new Quick Spelling Survey (QSS)—a time-saving spelling assessment you can administer to a group or to a whole class. Use QSS results to determine which students may need to be assessed with Quick Phonics Screener (QPS), a one-to-one assessment. QPS and QSS identify each student's strengths and instructional needs in phonics—decoding and encoding. Multiple forms allow you to monitor progress throughout the year.

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Quick Phonics Screener Third Edition provides...

  • Two assessments, based on the same continuum of phonics skills, that work together to evaluate decoding and encoding.
  • Time-saving strategy: screen groups of students with QSS to determine which students should be assessed individually with QPS.
  • Three forms of each assessment for monitoring progress from fall to winter to spring.
  • Student scenario examples for each assessment to help interpret results.
  • Convenient summary score sheets for each assessment to use for RTI documentation.

Teachers use Quick Phonics Screener and Quick Spelling Survey to...

  • Easily assess students, kindergarten through adult.
  • Quickly measure phonics skills of individual students (decoding) or spelling skills of an individual or group (encoding).
  • Assess selected skill sets to confirm mastery of specific phonics skills.
  • Document changes in student performance throughout the school year.
  • Efficiently communicate student results with colleagues and parents.
  • Utilize assessment data to make instructional decisions.

Steps for administering a diagnostic test with the Quick Phonics Screener phonics assessment toolThe third edition of QPS includes both Quick Phonics Screener and the new Quick Spelling Survey. Quick Phonics Screener (QPS) is an informal phonics assessment that can be used to diagnose a student’s strengths and instructional needs in phonics and decoding skills. Quick Spelling Survey (QSS) is a spelling assessment that a teacher can administer to an individual student, a small group of students with similar skill levels, or a whole class.

Administering QSS before QPS can save significant assessment time. A teacher can use QSS to screen a group or a whole class of students to determine which students should be given QPS (a one-to-one assessment) and on which skill set the assessment should begin.

Both QPS and QSS have three forms of the assessment items and a summary score sheet, so teachers are able to monitor students’ progress at three different times across the school year. Results from QSS can supplement and expand the information that is obtained from the administration of QPS by providing information about students’ encoding and spelling skills—to help a teacher determine if students have learned and can apply phonics patterns in their spelling.

The words used in QPS and QSS follow the same continuum of phonics skills. The assessment items are organized into 13 skill sets that are arranged in order from least to most difficult, beginning with letter names and letter sounds and continuing up through four-syllable words.

For both QPS and QSS, the teacher estimates an appropriate skill set to start the assessment. (Or for QPS, the teacher may refer to QSS results to determine a starting skill set.) When assessing an individual student, the student continues through subsequent skill sets until unable to correctly read (QPS) or spell (QSS) at least half of the items. When administering QSS to a small group or to a whole class, the teacher predetermines the skill set for ending the assessment. Using guidelines from the examiner's manual, the teacher scores each assessment and interprets the results to plan appropriate instruction for the student.

Quick Phonics Screener (QPS) includes an assessment overview card, the examiner's manual, and the assessment book.

Assessment overview card

Use this two-sided assessment overview card (QPS on one side and QSS on the other side) as a reference during the administration of each assessment or for a quick review of the steps.

Examiner’s manual includes:
  • Purpose and rationale for QPS and QSS.
  • Instructions for administering, scoring, and using the results for the QPS and QSS.
  • Reproducible masters of examiner scoring sheets (QPS), student response forms (QSS), and a summary score sheet for each assessment.
  • A pronunciation guide with the correct pronunciation of assessment items.
  • Examples provided for:
    • QPS examiner score sheet
    • QSS student response forms
    • QSS scoring guidelines
    • QPS and QSS summary score sheets
  • A bibliography of related resources.
Assessment book

This durable, spiral-bound book has three alternate forms of the QPS and the QSS for progress monitoring in the fall, winter, and spring of the school year.

Buy more and save!

We offer discounted pricing for bundles of 20 and bundles of 100. Call us at (800) 788-4085 for a customized quote.

Save 10% off all QPS orders through May 31, 2025. Use the following code at checkout to have your discount applied: 10offQPS
Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
QPS Single-Teacher Use QPS03 $99.00
QPS Single-Teacher Use (20) QPS03-20 $1,799.00
QPS Single-Teacher Use (100) QPS03-100 $8,899.00
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What Customers Say About Quick Phonics Screener

"I have been very pleased with Read Naturally products. I just started using the assessment pieces — Benchmark [Assessor] and the Quick Phonics Screener. They have been very helpful along with being quick."
— Sarah, Reading Specialist, Stoneham, MA

"We love the Quick Phonics Screener (QPS) and the Read Naturally products."
— Sandie, Principal, Oak Park, MI

Customer Reviews

Jul 1, 2020


I have used the Quick Phonics Screener for many years. It is a very good assessment to direct an educator to the area of instruction a student needs. It shows which phonics skills a student has mastered, as well as, which skills need more instruction.

I have used the QPS when I work individually with students. I have also used the QPS to group students for a walk to intervention. I would highly recommend using the Quick Phonics Screener as a phonics screener for your students.


Jan 22, 2016


I really liked the Quick Phonic Screener, and it does clearly identify what type of decoding skill students need support with. What happens next or how the difficulties are remedied are not completely clear, although after a call in to ask this question, I did receive assistance with this issue.


Jul 17, 2014

I use the QPS as a diagnostic. In fact, I'm moving schools and have to leave my copy behind so came to the website to get the order form for my new school. I don't want to be without it K-8.
Karen at Read Naturally Jan 27, 2016

Jaci, thanks for your question about QPS. The second edition added three additional skill sets at the end (11, 12, & 13) to assess two-, three-, and four-syllable words. The earlier skill sets are almost the same as the first edition. In a few places, the words were replaced with better test items for the assessment.

The other differences in the second edition include more explicit directions in how to administer and score the assessment and how to interpret the results. The second edition describes a number of case study scenarios for interpreting the results and making instructional decisions.

Jaci Jan 26, 2016

Thank you for sharing! I teach K-2 and was wondering if you felt the new QPS addressed more than the previous QPS and which you prefer


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