Intervention Programs

Take Aim! at Vocabulary™

Reproducible Masters with Audio

5 of 5 (6 reviews | add review)

  • Vocabulary

Additional Support:
  • Fluency
  • Comprehension

Skill Level: Grades 4-5
Intervention Range: Grades 4 to Adult Learner

Actively engage students in vocabulary development with Take Aim! at Vocabulary. Students participate in research-based vocabulary lessons to learn the meaning of high-utility words and develop lifelong vocabulary acquisition techniques.

Take Aim! at Vocabulary provides...

  • Individualized, explicit instruction of vocabulary words.
  • Multiple exposures to target words within the context of high-interest, nonfiction stories.
  • Deep processing of words through multi-sensory activities.
  • Student-friendly definitions to facilitate understanding.
  • Application of newly acquired vocabulary in multiple contexts.
  • Semantic mapping to develop connections between words and increase learning.


  • Expand their vocabulary.
  • Internalize word-learning strategies necessary for increasing vocabulary.
  • Learn how to deduce the meaning of words from context clues.
  • Study roots and affixes that impact word meaning.
  • Cultivate word consciousness: awareness of and interest in vocabulary.

Take Aim! at Vocabulary applies research-based vocabulary building strategies to help students learn high-quality words, develop skills for learning new words, and raise word consciousness—an interest in words and the ability to determine word meanings. Students work through unit textbooks of related, high-interest, non-fiction stories. Each story provides context, clear definitions, and research-based activities for high-quality words. Additional exposure to many of these targeted words occurs because they appear again in one or more of the other stories in the unit textbook. Take Aim! at Vocabulary also supports reading fluency and comprehension as students read and answer comprehension questions as part of the process of learning and deepening their understanding of the targeted words. Teachers can implement Take Aim! at Vocabulary with individual students or in small groups.

pointer Research basis for Take Aim at Vocabulary

Take Aim vocabulary lessons apply research-based vocabulary building strategies

Take Aim! at Vocabulary Steps
  1. Read the Target Words
    Students read each target word along with the audio CD, with another person, or independently. This step introduces students to the six target words taught in the lesson.
  2. Read the Story
    Students read the story along with the audio CD, with another person, or independently. This step helps students learn what the story is about. It also helps the students learn new words and master others as well as learn proper pronunciation, expression, and phrasing.
  3. Read to Understand Target Words (and Read to Understand More Target Words)
    Students read the story two more times with the audio CD, with another person, or independently. The lesson’s target words are defined immediately after they appear in the story. This step helps students gain an understanding of the target words in context.
  4. Use Context Clues
    Students figure out the meaning of a target word through a mini-lesson on how to use context clues. Figuring out the meanings of unknown words from context is a critical strategy that students need to use when reading independently.
  5. Read to Master
    Students practice reading the story without audio support until they can read it well. Reading the story several times helps students deepen their understanding of the target words while building fluency and confidence.
  6. Answer the Comprehension Questions
    Students answer multiple-choice questions about the story and record their answers. Responding to the text holds the student accountable for meaning, develops the ability to answer many types of questions, and provides information about how well the reader comprehends the story
  7. Sketch Target Words
    Students read the definition for each target word along with the audio CD, with another person, or independently. Then students sketch a quick picture or write a phrase that shows the word’s meaning or shows something they associate with the word. Students do this activity in order to clarify the meanings of target words and tie their understandings of these words to their personal experiences.
  8. Clarify Target Words
    Students answer multiple-choice vocabulary questions about each of the target words. Whenever possible, these questions go beyond direct definitions of the target words. This step requires students to apply their knowledge of each target word’s meaning in a new context and provides teachers with information about how well students understand the meanings of these words.
  9. Study Word Parts
    Students read the lesson along with the audio CD, with another person, or independently to learn a root or affix. Then students answer four multiple-choice questions based on that word part. This step teaches students about word parts (prefixes, suffixes, or roots) and how these word parts provide clues about a word’s meaning.

Additional Activities 
Students fill in hink pink riddles to self-correct their answers to the questions. They can also work with flashcards and on crossword puzzles, which help students master the meanings of the target words.

After students complete these steps for all four lessons in the unit textbook, the students can work through the culminating activities and take an end-of-unit test.

Take Aim! at Vocabulary has two levels, and each level has 12 different unit textbooks, each with an audio CD.

  • Goldenrod Level is for students who need to develop vocabulary and who read at or above a fourth-grade reading level.
  • Indigo Level for students who need to develop vocabulary and who read at or above a fifth-grade reading level.

Both levels have the same design. Teachers select the appropriate level(s) for their students. The reading level should be easy, so that the student can focus on vocabulary acquisition. 

Take Aim is available in two formats: 

  • Semi-Independent Format provides audio-supported lessons that enable a student to work at his or her own pace. This format is sold by level, and each level has 12 different unit textbooks.
  • Teacher-Led, Small-Group Format provides vocabulary development for small groups of students who work mostly independently, checking in with the teacher at key junctures. This format is sold as an Entire Level (6 copies of all 12 unit textbooks/CDs in a level) or in Mini-Level Sets (6 copies of three unit textbooks/CDs from a level).

Materials include softcover textbooks, an audio CD for each textbook, reproducible masters, and teacher's resources. 

Entire Level: Goldenrod or Indigo
(12 units; 1 copy)
Entire Level
(12 units; 6 copies)
Mini-Level Set
(3 units; 6 copies)
Full-color, non-consumable student unit textbooks include:
  • Four lessons.
  • Four related, nonfiction, high-interest stories.
  • 24 target vocabulary words per unit textbook/288 words per level.
  • Illustrated glossaries of the challenging words in each unit textbook.

12 unit textbooks
(1 copy of each)

72 unit textbooks
(6 copies of each)

18 unit textbooks
(6 copies of each)

Audio CDs

  • Multiple recordings of the stories.
  • Target vocabulary words (separately and in context).
  • Glossary entries and definitions.
  • Mini-lessons on context clues and on analyzing word parts.

12 CDs
(1 copy for each unit)

72 CDs
(6 copies for each unit)

18 CDs
(6 copies for each unit)

Reproducible masters for each level

  • Student packets and word lists for each unit textbook.
  • Resources for extending activities.
  • Assessments and answer keys.
  • Graphs, parent letters, bookmarks, and awards.

Two reproducible master books

Teacher’s resource CD

Teacher's resources

  • Research and rationale.
  • Description of teacher responsibilities.
  • Lesson plans for introducing the program.

Teacher’s manual

Take Aim Semi-Independent Format Samples

Use the following links to view sample lessons or follow step-by-step examples of the semi-independent format including the audio support.

Take Aim Small-Group Format Samples

Use the following links to view sample lessons or follow step-by-step examples of the teacher-led, small-group format including the audio support.

Assessment Packet (for Placement)

Click the series name to view available levels and add to your shopping cart.

Meets the needs of each student through individualized instruction, where each student works mostly independently at his or her own pace.

Each level includes:

  • 12 unit textbooks.
  • Teacher's manual.
  • Reproducible masters for student materials.
  • 12 audio CDs, one for each unit textbook.
Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Take Aim Semi-Independent Format — Goldenrod Level TAV04 $269.00
Take Aim Semi-Independent Format — Indigo Level TAV05 $269.00

Provides vocabulary development for all students as well as a standard protocol intervention to address the needs of small groups of students whose scores on high-stakes assessments indicate weakness in vocabulary.

An entire level includes:

  • 72 unit textbooks, six copies of each of the 12 unit textbooks in the level.
  • Teacher's resource CD.
  • PDF files for student materials (on the resource CD).
  • 72 audio CDs, six for each unit text book
Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Goldenrod Entire Level TAV04CS $995.00
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Indigo Entire Level TAV05CS $995.00

Provides vocabulary development for all students as well as a standard protocol intervention to address the needs of small groups of students whose scores on high-stakes assessments indicate weakness in vocabulary.

Each mini-level set includes:

  • 18 unit textbooks, six copies of each of the three unit textbooks in the 6-pack.
  • Teacher's resource CD.
  • PDF files for student materials (on the resource CD).
  • 18 audio CDs, six copies for each unit textbook.

Goldenrod Set A units: From Satellites to Space Stations, The World of Butterflies, Ancient Egyptians
Goldenrod Set B units: Barrier Breakers, Mysteries, Courageous Kids
Goldenrod Set C units: Fascinating Festivals, Under the Sea, Great Escapes
Goldenrod Set D units: Stalin's Soviet Union, Amusement Park History, Avian Adventures
Indigo Set A units: Ancient Rome, Ghost Towns, Survival Stories
Indigo Set B units: Botanical Wonders, Pirates!, Challenges Overcome
Indigo Set C units: Circus Spectacles, The Amazing Amazon, Medical Blunders and Breakthroughs
Indigo Set D units: Cool Canines, Surprise Spies of World War II, Colonial Conflicts

Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Goldenrod Set A TAV04BA $299.00
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Goldenrod Set B TAV04BB $299.00
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Goldenrod Set C TAV04BC $299.00
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Goldenrod Set D TAV04BD $299.00
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Indigo Set A TAV05BA $299.00
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Indigo Set B TAV05BB $299.00
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Indigo Set C TAV05BC $299.00
Take Aim Small-Group Format — Indigo Set D TAV05BD $299.00

What Customers Say About Take Aim at Vocabulary

"I've been impressed that even my most challenged student is able to work independently in the materials. Since using Take Aim, I find students looking more carefully at words and thinking out loud about their possible meanings."
— Jacki F., Philadelphia, PA

"Take Aim has been one of our favorite new additions to our intervention program. We love it!"
— Pam, Reading Specialist, West Covina, CA

Customer Reviews

Mar 15, 2025


My team loves Take Aim! It has been a great addition to our reading intervention for even our readers who need the most support.


Feb 14, 2020


Great Vocabulary intervention. We use this for our fourth and fifth grade students.


Mar 8, 2016


Take Aim has been a breath of fresh air to my 5th grade RSP/intervention group. They are really enjoying the high interest stories, and have been showing off their new vocabulary to family and friends. The fact that they can each work at their own pace makes intervention time more relaxed. We've only been using Take Aim for a few weeks, but the enthusiasm is hard to beat.
I recommend this program for students who have reasonable fluency, but lack academic vocabulary.


Mar 5, 2015


I have been using this program for several years now with my ESL students. It helps them tremendously with reading fluency, understanding content, developing a love for reading, and most of all, with enriching their vocabulary. In addition, many of the strategies used within this academic vocabulary program are very highly effective with English Language Learners. We love you Take Aim!


May 2, 2014

We use the Take Aim at Vocabulary for vocabulary enrichment for our higher 3-5 readers. I have used Read Naturally products for many years and I find they are high quality, research based, intervention materials!

Apr 16, 2014

I purchased Take Aim years ago to use with my whole class, even though it was being sold as an individualized program. It worked, and works even better with the materials you have now created to have a group of students work together on the same stories. I see the vocabulary skills transfer from the work in this program to science and social studies reading--my students become much more independent in figuring out the meaning of unknown words after working in Take Aim.

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