- Expand knowledge base by reading interesting nonfiction text.
- Utilize audio support to learn words and improve expression.
- Experience success and an improved attitude toward reading.
- Engage in self-directed learning.
- Develop fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary skills.
- Gain confidence from seeing their success in fun graphs.
One Minute Reader Live provides...
- Structured, independent reading activity for developing readers of all ages.
- Motivating informational text for reluctant readers.
- Additional practice for students who use Read Naturally Live.
- Challenging reading material for young, advanced readers.
- Leveled books from early reader through fifth grade.
One Minute Reader Live accelerates reading achievement by combining the research-proven components of the Read Naturally Strategy: teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. The student works at his or her own pace in an appropriate level of material as the motivating program guides the student through the steps. The student masters a story by reading along with audio and then practicing the story until he or she can read it fluently and with comprehension. The program automatically tracks the student's progress.
Research basis for the Read Naturally Strategy
One Minute Reader Live Steps
Before beginning the steps of each story, the student selects the book and story he or she wants to read. Choosing the story deepens the student’s investment in the material.
- Cold Read
The student reads the story for one minute and then clicks the last word read when the bell sounds. - Cold Read Graph
A graph displays the student’s cold-timing score, establishing a baseline for progress monitoring, the component of the Read Naturally Strategy that motivates the student to improve. - Read Along
The student reads along quietly with a recording of the story, typically three times. This step is the teacher-modeling component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student learn new words and master others as well as learn proper pronunciation, expression, and phrasing. - Read Alone
The student practices reading the story independently until able to read it accurately and with expression. This step is the repeated-reading component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student improve fluency, master difficult words, and understand the story. - Read Alone Graph
A graph displays the student’s current words-per-minute score compared to the Cold Read score, showcasing the student’s improvement. - Quick Quiz
The student answers questions about the story. Responding to the text holds the student accountable for meaning, develops the ability to answer many types of questions, and provides information about how well the student comprehends the story. The correct answers to the questions help to solve the book’s Joke Jumble. - Story Summary
The student reviews the results from completing the story, including a graph that shows how much the student has improved since the cold read. - Book Summary
The student reviews the results from other stories completed in the level. Graphs are included. - Did You Know?
Students are presented with additional facts related to the stories from each book (only shown after the student has completed all the stories in a book).
One Minute Reader Live includes six levels: one for each reading level E through 5. Each level includes eight books with five nonfiction stories organized around a specific theme. The automated steps of the program are built around teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring.
E | Early first-grade reading level. | Stories consist of a few short, simple sentences with several words repeated. |
1 | Middle first-grade reading level. | Stories consist of a few short, simple sentences with very few difficult words. |
2 | Middle second-grade reading level. | Stories consist of simple sentences with a few difficult words. |
3 | Middle third-grade reading level. | Stories consist of longer sentences with several difficult words. |
4 | Middle fourth-grade reading level. | Stories consist of some complex sentences with more difficult words. |
5 | Middle fifth-grade reading level. | Stories consist of complex text with more advanced concepts. |
The full One Minute Reader Live content is included with all Read Live subscriptions.
See the Read Live product page for pricing information.
SIX LEVELS (eight books per level)
Five leveled, nonfiction stories per book include:
- Clickable vocabulary words (indicated by different font color)
- Quiz questions
Audio support includes:
- Instructions
- Recordings of each story
- Signals indicating correct or incorrect responses
- Vocabulary word definitions
- Pronunciation for each word
Additional activities include:
- Did You Know?
- Joke Jumble
Computerized scoring includes:
- Automated correction of multiple-choice questions
- Calculation of fluency and comprehension scores
- Points earned for completing activities
- Graphing and reporting of performance
One Minute Reader Live is an integrated component of the Read Live platform.
- Students At-a-Glance Report
This report summarizes the results for the One Minute Reader Live stories completed by a set of students. It helps you identify students who may not be making adequate progress. - Story Summary Report
This report shows a student’s results from a One Minute Reader Live story, including a graph of cold and hot timing scores and read along, practice, and quiz results. - Book Summary Report
This report shows results from the stories a student completed in a One Minute Reader Live book, including cold and hot timing scores, number of practices, and quiz results. - Level Summary Report
This report shows results from the One Minute Reader Live stories a student completed by level, including cold timings, read alongs, hot timings, and the quizzes.
One Minute Reader Live is an integrated component of the Read Live platform. All Read Live licenses enable full access to the One Minute Reader Live curriculum as well as access to the Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, and Read Naturally Live—Español curriculum.
Customer Reviews
Patricia Osburn Mar 23, 2025
As an interventionist with learners ranging from kinder to 7th grade learning how to incorporate read naturally with fidelity is important to me. My students love that hot score however through your webinar I’ve lead that the cold score growth is what’s key. I’ve come to observe some struggles with the vocab and how to motivate past this by picking up a few pointers. I love the program and story excerpts. Particularly when it’s an engaging one other students will stop and listen to what’s being read. Which is really cool. My aim is to continue to become a connoisseur of and for literacy! Reply Angela C. Mar 21, 2025
We use read live with our students in small groups. Our students love the program and so do we. We have seen growth in every student that is using this program!
Reply Koya T. Mar 18, 2025
Read Live has made such a difference for students within my classroom. My students made significant improvements in their fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students love the engaging texts and are motivated to start each new story.
Reply Ana Maria L. Mar 17, 2025
Read Live is a comprehensive reading program that helps students develop vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension and written expression while keeping them motivated to reach their goals. The stories are interesting and keep students engaged. You can adjust your student's reading level, the amount of practices they may need to reach their fluency goal and the time they have to complete their retell. Another excellent feature is that the program includes Read Live in Spanish!! That is a big plus for my students who are learning in a DUAL language program. Last, but not least, I love using the detail reports to discuss with students what they are doing well and where they can improve.
Reply Stephanie Strasser Mar 16, 2025
Read Live is the solution we've been searching for to deliver differentiated, targeted instruction. It encompasses all the essential components for effective literacy teaching. My students are making noticeable progress and gaining more confidence in their reading.
Reply Patricia Perkins Mar 15, 2025
Read Live is one of the few resources I’ve tried and felt my district definitely needs to invest in it. With so many students coming in with dyslexia diagnosis, Read Live has been my support to help target those deficits in phonics and fluency, I’ve videoed one of my students reading a fluency passage and sent it to my SPED Director. She immediately asked how many seats we need. I am so excited we are purchasing seats for the upcoming year, and I am so eager to see how much growth our students will show after using it with fidelity. I’ve seen much growth in the one student I’ve used it with faithfully. He is now able to work the program on his own as I work with other students. He’s taking ownership of his own learning which is so important for students. I love it! I just love it!
Reply Michelle Zamaites Mar 12, 2025
Read Naturally has made my 4th & 5th graders stronger at retelling what they have read. My students are really honing in on the 5 W's & H.
Lower Elem are becoming stronger readers!
Reply Michelle Scarborough Mar 12, 2025
Read Live has been our go-to resource this year! The students are enjoying the stories and answering the questions! Once the students realize they can succeed with the Read Live program they are encouraged to keep learning and growing in their reading skills! It has been wonderful to watching their individual needs being met through this reading program! We love it! Reply Amanda Brand Mar 12, 2025
Read Live has given our students confidence! They enjoy reading stories, with the goal of earning blue ribbons for a job that went above and beyond. We pass out certificates to our students when they get blue ribbons, so parents know their child has excelled in their reading. We like how there are stories, as well as phonics levels, so we can place students where they learn best.
Reply Linda C. Mar 12, 2025
I am an interventionist teaching grades 4-6. I have a 4th grade student that was not progressing in Reading fluency. After instructing her on how to read multiple syllable words, she was able to read most words independently. Yay, she's making progress! But she was only reading 61 words per minute and we could not get past it with consistency. During the I&RS meeting, she was given a goal to increase 20 words within 3 months. My fear was "How was I going to do that?" My school has been using Read Naturally Live for a few years. It was suggested that I try it for her. She began on the 3.0 level. This shy girl began reading aloud when following along, not caring about that others in the room were hearing her. Within 2 months her cold time went from 83 to consistently (3 times) over 100. Now mind you that is a grade level behind. After assessing her on 4th grade she is now consistently reading above 83 words per minute. Not only has her fluency increased, her confidence in reading has made tremendous progress in small group instruction and whole class. This "shy" girl wants to read everything aloud. I am in awe of the fluency progress and confidence in such a short amount of time. This is not my only testament. I am a first-year interventionist, and I have multiple students making significant progress while using this program. My colleagues and I love Read Live. Reply Kim Mar 12, 2025
I was introduced to Read Naturally as I was observing our district's Intervention Specialist for a college course I was taking. The Intervention Specialist uses this program daily and I soon learned how much time it save and what a valuable resource it is to have. She showed me how to use is and how it helped her students succeed who have been struggling for years. As a future Intervention Specialist myself, I look forward to using read Naturally in my daily interventions. Thank you for such a great program! Reply Debra Limberg Mar 12, 2025
I am a Title 1 reading teacher. I have used the Read Live program with my students for several years. It is a great program that allows us to meet the needs of the students (different levels, increase goals etc.) I have seen growth in the student's fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. They really enjoy choosing the stories and learning new things. Reply Sandra Owens Mar 12, 2025
I am excited to use Read Naturally. I participated in a one-on-one Personalized Read Live Setup Meeting that was extremely helpful in getting students set up and reviewing the program's components. Reply Kelly Moffitt Mar 12, 2025
This is the best reading program I have ever used! My students are being successful and showing gains as well as shortening their gaps. They love it and are excited when they see how successful they can be with the program. Thank you and we will keep using it from here on out. This is my first year using this program and I instantly fell in love with it. Keep it up! Reply Laurie Mar 12, 2025
Read Live has really helped my students with their reading fluency and comprehension skills. They love using the program and it has helped them build confidence. I love that the students can work independently in the One-minute reader and how the programs can be individualized to meet each child's specific learning needs.
Reply Amy Diefendorf Mar 12, 2025
I've been using RNL for 5 years and received amazing results for my students. Looking forward to many more years to come. Reply Michelle F Mar 12, 2025
Best program I have used! I have worked in reading intervention for 17 years. Over the years we have seen many programs come and go but this has stayed with our school the whole time. We have been using it clear back when it was on cds only. We love it even better now that it’s on the computer. And I should say the students do also. We find the ease of being able to track a students progress and easily print out reports to be an added bonus. The students that we have helped through the years is tremendous. Thank you Read Naturally!! Reply Jeff Brummett Mar 11, 2025
I have used Read Naturally Live for Special Education Reading for over five years. It has been beneficial for multi grade levels and a diverse set of reading abilities. Students show progress over the years they use it. I even pass on their logins and have parents use it with the students at home. Students show progress, in Vocabulary, comprehension and fluency skills.
I enjoy that it is individualized for the student for their IEPs to track their growth.
Reply Leslie Lewellen Mar 11, 2025
Our students use Read Live as part of our intervention program. The program is engaging and increases fluency skills. Reply Joan Honor Mar 11, 2025
I am new to the Read Live program, and I must say, I never anticipated that such a program existed. It has been incredibly helpful in assisting our readers in developing the fluency they need. The stories available are engaging and offer a wealth of learning opportunities. Witnessing my students make progress in their reading journey is truly priceless. This program has proven to be an invaluable resource for both educators and students alike.