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Read Naturally is pleased to announce the 2018 Read Live School of the Year Award to recognize schools whose students have substantially improved their reading skills using the Read Live program. Enter today for a chance to win $2000 for your school.

Read Naturally programs are inherently motivating. Students know how well they are performing based on their goals and progress monitoring graphs. The desire to see these goals and graphs improve is enough to motivate most students to put forth their best effort. Still, a little external recognition doesn’t hurt.

Congratulations Elijah J. from Nashville, TN for being named our February Star of the Month. Elijah is a second-grade student at Harding Academy. His teacher, Ms. Taylor, nominated Elijah for his stellar work ethic and attention to detail while working in Read Naturally.

Snow is still falling in much of the country, but that doesn’t change the fact that spring conferences are just around the corner. Parents (or guardians) of Read Naturally students will be eager to hear about their child’s progress in reading. This is a great opportunity for you to highlight the student’s successes and address challenges—and to emphasize the ways in which parents can support their child at home. Read Naturally offers a variety of resources developed specifically for parents.

We’re always happy when teachers approach us with questions about the Cold Timing step. Teachers are highly concerned with their students’ cold-timing scores, and for good reason.

If there’s one thing all teachers seem to agree on, it’s the fact that reading aloud to students is highly beneficial. Indeed, one of our most popular blog posts to date was about the magic of reading aloud to your class. This practice boosts literacy and builds community, and it is often a joyful experience for teachers and students alike. National Read Aloud Month is coming up in March, and we encourage you to start planning now for the ways you will participate.

The January Star of the Month is Lance W. from Gillett, WI. Lance is a 6th-grader at Gillett Middle School.

Tomorrow’s the big day! The day where sticky, heart-shaped treats and sweet, silly folded-up sentiments take over your classroom—and possibly your sanity. Valentine’s Day exchanges and celebrations usually make for a rowdy and unusual day in the classroom, but this doesn’t mean opportunities for building literacy are lost. In fact, there are plenty of ways to capitalize on the holiday to help your students strengthen their skills.

The second year of my Read Live lab at the new school continues to go smoothly, and I am grateful to have drawn from last year’s stories to improve my process this year. Of course, just as things were starting to feel easy breezy, we hit an unexpected bump.

In my previous blog post , I explained my process for helping students answer questions #3 and #6, the vocabulary questions, correctly in Read Live. Part of my process involved motivating the students to do their best work, which I explained in detail in my previous post. In this post, I’ll delve into the details of how I set up and presented the lesson demonstrating how to answer questions #3 and #6 successfully.

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry





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