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Our teacher’s manuals are packed full of useful information about how to implement our programs effectively. They’re extraordinarily well researched and include hundreds of helpful suggestions. Have you read them recently? Cover to cover?

Don’t worry if the answer is no. We know how busy teachers are, and we want to make it easy on you to implement our programs with fidelity. That’s why we’ve created Fidelity Checklists. Download as many as you’d like—they’re free on our website!

Congrats to our February Star of the Month, Axel, who has made great progress in reading this year! Axel is a fifth grader at St. John Bosco Catholic School in Phoenix, AZ. Here is what Axel's teacher, Ms. Iniguez, has to say about him:

Welcome to the second half of the school year! Are you ready to see your Read Naturally students crush their goals and accelerate their progress? As you know, they will improve most rapidly when they’re working in the sweet spot of challenging but not frustrating material. Thanks to the detailed graphs and reports in Read Naturally Live, finding this sweet spot is easier than ever. The Students-at-a-Glance report is a particularly useful tool for quickly identifying students who are not working with optimal levels or goals, or students who need extra support in key areas.

Pop quiz! What do you do when you’re staring down a pile of winter assessment data?

Congrats to our January Star of the Month, Kaleb, who has made great progress in reading this year! Kaleb is a fourth grader at Central Intermediate School in Washington, IL. Here is what Kaleb's teacher, Ms. Perko, has to say about him:

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry





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