Cole's hard work paid off and earned him the December Star of Month Award. Cole is a second grader at Olive B. Loss Elementary in Bear, DE. Cole was nominated and chosen for the commitment and progress he has made toward reading with Read Naturally Live. Since the start of the year, he has completed 17 stories and consistently reaches his goals. His teacher, Ms. Cleaver, shared her excitement and pride in Cole's achievements below.
Cole struggled with his reading and comprehension in first grade. He then joined our Read Naturally program in October of second grade. He was a little apprehensive in the beginning about the program. Cole increasingly became comfortable with the program and enjoyed attending Read Naturally daily. His confidence grew with each story and he became excited when he would reach his goals. Since October, Cole has finished 17 stories. His cold timings have consistently grown past his goal. His hot timings have also increased past his goal, with less time on his practice times. Also, his quiz answers have consistently increased. I have increased Cole's level and the glowing smile on his face when I told him it was increasing was truly a special moment. This program has given Cole the confidence that he needed to increase his reading fluency and his confidence in reading. This progress has also carried over into his classroom. His teacher has noticed a change in his reading and comprehension during the regular classroom day.
The Read Naturally Star Student of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills using Read Naturally's intervention programs. Each month, we select one student to feature in our newsletter. The selected student wins a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card, and the school or teacher who nominated the student receives a $200 gift certificate for Read Naturally materials.
Submitted 5 years 3 weeks ago by Erin McCullin