Happy New Year! We’re kicking off 2017 with some great news. Read Naturally Encore was selected as a District Administration Reader’s Choice Top Product of 2016.

District Administration is a reputable source of information for K12 leaders in nearly every district across the country. Their annual awards program highlights the best products in the industry according to the superintendents and other school leaders who are using them in their districts. Read Naturally Encore was one of 100 Top Products chosen from over 1,500 nominations.

“After receiving nominations and testimonies over a six-month span, our editorial board carefully narrowed down the list based on the quality and quantity of the products,” District Administration said.

Read Naturally Encore is recognized as a top fluency intervention for K8 struggling readers. Encore doesn’t require a computer or Internet connection, so it’s a great choice for classrooms without the technology to implement a web-based intervention. If you’re not familiar with Encore, click here to learn more about this highly successful, research-based program. And if you’re a devoted Encore user, thank you! Using and spreading the word about this effective program helps put it in the hands of the students who need it most.