Valentine’s Day, a holiday about love, seems to instead fill a large portion of the population with dread. If romance isn’t your thing, you feel doomed. If you’re unpartnered, you feel left out. If you’re a teacher, you’re bracing yourself for a day of mayhem and over-sugared students. And if you’re a parent of school-aged children, your living space is suddenly littered with dozens of valentines your children need to address. Does anyone actually love this holiday?
Read more We're closing in on winter break, so naturally your students are calm, on-task, and doing their best learning... right?
More likely, they seem to have entered "break mode" a few days ago. We know how these things go. That's why we've pulled together some recommendations to: 1) get you through the rest of 2024, and 2) keep your students reading over the break.
Read more Regardless of where kids are on their reading journey, there are countless ways to incorporate reading into cozy days at home this winter. Here are some easy ideas for kids to try at home or for teachers to incorporate into the classroom. The free printables in this post will also make a great packet to send home over winter break!
Read more Claire Ihnot Hayes is an Educational Consultant for Read Naturally who meets with educators nationwide to train them in Read Naturally programs. One of the most frequent questions Claire receives from educators is, “How can I adapt Read Naturally programs to meet the various needs of my students?” Older students, younger students, and ELL students have different needs and thus require different adjustments. We recently sat down with Claire to document her favorite tips for adapting Read Naturally Live to optimize success for a diverse body of students. These tips work for Encore students as well.
Read more Every year around this time, we like to remind teachers of the importance of checking their students’ initial Read Naturally placement. After the student completes three to six stories, you have more specific data about how they are performing in both fluency and comprehension. This is the point at which you should check initial placement to see whether adjustments to the initial level and goal are needed.
Read more If you’ve ever had questions about how certain phonics sounds should be pronounced, our Audio Examples of Phonics Sounds page is your new best friend. This page includes an audio demo of the phonics sounds and patterns you and your students will come across in phonics instruction and assessment. It’s also a handy guide to interpreting those breves (˘), and macrons (−).
Read more Boost reading skills this summer with literacy activities by Read Naturally. Explore our summer-themed printables, including word game worksheets, coloring pages, and more. Our engaging and effective reading programs help students improve fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. With our research-based approach and proven results, you can trust Read Naturally to help your students succeed.
Read more Teacher Appreciation Week officially begins today. Let's celebrate with a bunch of free resources for you. These resources include phonics games, vocabulary exercises, cue cards to help emerging readers with visually confusing letters, a system for mastering the most frequently misspelled words, and more--all free!
Read more Teacher Appreciation Week is just around the corner! Here are five meaningful ways students can honor their teachers during this special week.
Read more Regardless of where kids are on their reading journey, there are countless ways to boost their literacy this spring. Here are some easy ideas for kids to try at home or for teachers to incorporate into the classroom. The free printables in this post will also make a great packet to send home over spring break!
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