What kind of learning can happen on the first day of school? Naturally, students will learn who you are, the rules of your classroom, and where to put their materials. Our hope is that they will do some effective work toward their literacy goals too. Is it realistic to expect this on day one? With One Minute Reader Live, it certainly is!
Read more With a name like Read Naturally, it might seem obvious that we care about reading and books. This passion extends to supporting students all over the world, including students in Africa, where 40% of school-age children do not attend school. Read Naturally recently shipped a truckload of books to Books for Africa, an organization near the Read Naturally home office in St. Paul, MN.
Read more Congrats on approaching the end of another school year! Your students have worked hard to accelerate their progress in reading this year, and avoiding the summer slide is more important than ever.
Read more Hundreds of One Minute Reader books recently made their way across the world to Kenya, Africa, where kids are using them to learn to read in English. When the team at Read Naturally learned about the work of Joanne Friday, a former teacher who now does mission work with orphans in Kenya, we offered her a large donation of One Minute Reader books (30 boxes of materials in all) to bring to the kids there.
Read more We’ve reached the time of year when many of you are filling up your summer calendars, making plans to keep your children’s minds and bodies busy. Quiet time to read might not earn a spot on your family calendar, but it should be highly prioritized nonetheless.
Here are some tips for boosting your children’s literacy this summer:
Read more As a mother of four young children who are drawn to the iPad like moths to a flame, it’s a little hard for me to write a blog post about the upside of screen time. Mostly I see the iPad as a frequent source of conflict in my house. My kids want to play games or watch shows on it, and I want them to do things I’ve deemed more meaningful—read books, play outside, build with Legos, or, dare I even dream it, pick up their room. Indeed, plenty of research confirms the negative consequences of too much screen time, which is why so many parents find themselves fighting this battle with their children day after day.
Read more National Reading Awareness Month is an annual event held in the United States during the month of March. The purpose of this event is to promote the importance of reading and literacy, and to encourage people to make reading a part of their daily lives.
Read more If you peruse Apple’s App Store, you’ll find thousands of apps that claim to be educational. But do these apps really promote learning? Or is the word “educational” just thrown in to make them more appealing to teachers and parents?
Read more What is the best way to spend a cozy winter break? We may be biased here at Read Naturally, but we believe it's time spent with loved ones and good books. Many students will be motivated to curl up on their own with a favorite book, while many others have not yet reached this point. Regardless of where students are on their reading journey, there are countless ways to incorporate reading into the break.
Read more This past week, we released the latest version of our award-winning One Minute Reader program. Designed specifically for parents to use at home, One Minute Reader is a fun and effective way to develop critical reading skills.
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