Late last year, a teacher in need of a high-quality phonics program started using GATE+ with her students. She was so impressed with the quality and ease-of-use that she showed the program to her colleagues. They quickly realized they wanted GATE+ for their classrooms too. The teacher picked up the phone and ordered four more sets of GATE+! This is the kind of feedback we've been getting in the months since GATE+ started shipping. As soon as teachers realize how well this program works, they can't wait to spread the word.
Read more If you’ve ever had questions about how certain phonics sounds should be pronounced, our Audio Examples of Phonics Sounds page is your new best friend. This page includes an audio demo of the phonics sounds and patterns you and your students will come across in phonics instruction and assessment. It’s also a handy guide to interpreting those breves (˘), and macrons (−).
Read more It's now well past February, but the remnants of Valentine's Day still linger in my couch cushions. The handmade cards are always my favorite ones to find… especially the ones wishing a "Happy Valantine's Day." I asked my first grader if he knew what makes the word Valentine so hard to spell. He guessed, "Because it's a long word," which is half right. Long words are usually multisyllabic, and multisyllabic words usually have a schwa. The schwa sound—such as the one on the first "e" in Valentine—is notorious for making words difficult to read and spell.
Read more Recently, a teacher who had ordered a level of GATE+ received her materials and looked through them. She was so impressed with the quality and depth of the materials that she showed her colleagues. They quickly realized they wanted the program for their classrooms too. The teacher picked up...
Read more Thousands of students have learned phonics and essential beginning reading skills using Read Naturally GATE (Group And Tutoring Edition). We have spent several months updating this program to be even more powerful! This new-and-improved GATE+ is now shipping— order your copy today !...
Read more Raise your hand if you've ever heard a child joyfully declare, "X is for Xylophone!"?
Read more Assessing students' needs and placing them appropriately is crucial to success in Read Live programs. Check out these short, informative videos to guide you through the process.
Read more We are thrilled to announce that we are currently taking pre-orders for our latest and greatest new product, Read Naturally GATE+!
Read more Phonics skills are foundational to reading fluently and with comprehension. It's essential for reading teachers to determine which students need phonics support and what that support should look like. Read Naturally is here to support your students’ phonics needs every step of the way—from assessment, to intervention, to ongoing skill maintenance.
Read more The renewed enthusiasm over the past few years for phonics instruction has been heartening. I have believed in, and therefore taught, phonics skills since the beginning of my teaching career in 1970. (In fact, I am the proud owner of a well-worn 1967 edition of A Guide to Teaching Phonics, by June Orton.) Phonemic awareness and basic phonics skills are essential foundations on which students build toward the ultimate goal of reading: comprehension. So, through the phonics wars and beyond I continued to teach phonics to my students (and I still do today).
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