To align to the requirements for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA, 2015), educators must select interventions that are evidenced-based. Read Naturally has done the groundwork for you and provides easy access to the studies that prove that Read Naturally is evidence-based and effective in increasing student achievement. The Read Naturally Strategy is well established as research-based, thanks to the high-quality research that informs the development of our programs and inspires our decisions as an educational publisher. The Read Naturally Strategy also clearly meets the criteria for evidence-based according to ESSA.
Read more Today, we’re thrilled to offer a new training option: The Read Naturally Live Online Course. This course provides interactive training for teachers, helping them gain new skills and understanding independently, at their own pace. And, it’s completely free!
Read more Educators today are bombarded with recommendations on the most effective products and strategies. Whether you’re surfing online or talking to a trusted expert, countless others will claim to know what’s best for you and your students. As you know, the only way to truly know what is effective in your classroom is to try the recommended tool or strategy for yourself.
Read more Everywhere you go these days, it seems that educators are talking about personalized learning. Defined loosely, “personalized learning” is instruction that is tailored to meet an individual student’s needs. The instruction is usually delivered via technology that can adapt to each student. Educators often ask us if our web-based reading intervention program, Read Naturally Live, is considered a personalized learning tool. Our answer is that it’s “personalized learning with a twist.”
Read more What are the characteristics of a successful school? Educators everywhere have asked this question in hopes that the answers might help create an optimal learning environment for students. Over the past 14 years, the Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction (OSPI) has done extensive research into this question as well. The studies conducted there led to a list of nine characteristics that were found most often in high-performing schools. Read on for a summary of the nine characteristics, as well as the many ways in which Read Naturally programs can help your school develop them.
Read more Why are video games addicting? Neuroscience answers it with complicated data on neuron pathways and dopamine. Ask a child, and his answer will be much simpler: Because they’re fun!
Read more “While we may ultimately teach students enough test-taking strategies to eke out a passing score and earn that high school diploma, we are missing a crucial opportunity to show our students that they, too, can be real readers.”
Read more May’s “Appy Hour” presentation marked the final webinar in our free series for this year. Thank you to everyone who attended! We were thrilled to offer relevant information and resources to fellow educators, and we enjoyed getting to know you on the other side of the screen. Did you miss one of our live presentations? Not to worry! We have recordings of each webinar available for free on our website.
Read more Register now for May’s free webinar, Appy Hour—Expand Your Digital Toolbox with Instructional Apps, presented by Heather Baptie and Terry Dobson of Links 2 Learning.
Read more April's free webinar is Reading FAST or Reading WELL?—How Read Naturally Helps Develop True Reading Fluency. Literacy expert Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D., will discuss the important difference between reading fluency and reading rate. This webinar defines each of the key components in reading fluency and provides an overview of how the Read Naturally strategy effectively teaches each of the components of fluency.
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