The Read Naturally strategy delivers remarkable results when used correctly. Numerous studies have proven this fact, and countless teachers observe it every day. If you’re using the Read Naturally strategy and not getting the results you hope for, one simple change will often do the trick: Increase the amount of time your students spend in the program. For significant results, we recommend using the program five times per week for 30 to 45 minutes each time. Here’s why:
Students who are not fluent need to spend more time reading, and they need a consistent approach. Without enough time in the Read Naturally program, students do not attain the consistency that drives growth. This kind of consistency happens only with intense involvement. Indeed, one of the tenets of Response to Intervention (RTI) is to increase the intensity of the intervention if students are not making the expected progress. When students are very involved with the program and have a fixed routine, they can hit the ground running and immediately enter into a productive mindset.
Students who spend a significant amount of time each week in Read Naturally quickly become more accurate and read with better expression. Before long, comprehension scores improve. Best of all, the growth they achieve transfers to other reading material. If Read Naturally is used frequently and intensely, this growth will happen faster than you might expect.
Struggling readers in our schools can’t afford to struggle for long. We feel confident that if you increase the intensity of your Read Naturally program and ensure you’re using the strategy with fidelity, your struggling readers will experience the improvement they so desperately need. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to call our office at 800.788.4085 to discuss your needs with our knowledgeable staff. Coaching services are also available to schools that could benefit from individualized support in implementing the program.
Submitted 11 years 1 week ago by Sue