Teacher helping student with Word Warm-ups Live

Word Warm ups LiveWord Warm-ups Live, included in all Read Live subscriptions, helps students solidify the phonics skills they need in order to become fluent readers. Individualized assessment allows for differentiated instruction for each student—meeting individual needs. While all students in the class are working on phonics at the same time, each student is working on specific skills identified by the assessment. This program is highly customizable and works well in a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS).

Here is how Read Naturally recommends using Word Warm-ups Live in a MTSS framework:

  • Students receiving Tier 1 instruction can work in Word Warm-ups Live for about 10 minutes daily to reinforce phonics skills they are learning in core instruction. In this 10-minute warm-up, they will build automaticity in decoding and practice spelling words with the featured patterns. The delivery is flexible and can easily be implemented in a computer lab or distance-learning setting.
  • Students receiving Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention can work in Word Warm-ups Live for 20 to 30 minutes daily. They will listen and respond to phonics lessons featuring phonics skills they still need to master. As they work on the exercises, they master the phonics skills, build automaticity in decoding, and spell words with the featured patterns. Word Warm-ups Live can be individualized using the phonics assessment included in the program. The instruction may be implemented in small groups during language arts or in a remediation block.
  • Students receiving Special Education services can be assigned to specific Word Warm-ups Live lessons targeted to meet short-term and long-term IEP goals. For example, based on assessment results, an older student may only need to work on a few long-vowel patterns. The teacher can assign those specific exercises and move the student more quickly through just the phonics skills that have been identified as weaknesses for that student.

No matter what level of support your students need, Word Warm-ups Live provides the necessary scaffolding to develop automaticity in word reading. Word Warm-ups Live is most effective when students work in the program daily. The more practice your students get, the more quickly they will become fluent readers.

If you have a Read Live account, Word Warm-ups Live is already available to you. Get started today!

If you’re not currently a Read Live user, we offer free 60-day trials. Start your FREE trial today for complete access to all four programs included in Read Live: Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, One Minute Reader Live, and Read Naturally Live—Español.