Maximizing Progress


Read Live: Interpreting actionable data on Students At-a-Glance report


The Students At-a-Glance report includes a student-by-student summary of results for stories passed—for a selected set of students in a selected time frame. Use this report to check initial placement after students have completed three to six stories, and then use this report throughout the year (possibly as often as weekly) to quickly identify students who may not be making adequate progress and/or students who are performing well and need a change to stay challenged.

1. Generate a Report

To generate a current Students At-a-Glance report, refer to the following resources:

2. Review and Analyze Student Data to Decide if a Change is Needed

Each of the Fluency, Comprehension, and Phonics columns on the Students At-a-Glance report (except the Goal column) provides averages for the first three stories the student has completed in each level and for the most recent three stories. 

Read Naturally Live Students At-a-Glance Sample Report

Averaging three stories provides trend data that makes it easy for you to see student performance over time.

The Cold Timing offers a baseline score of how well a student can read an unpracticed story, so the student can see immediate improvement after passing the story.

  • The cold-timing score should never be higher than the goal. If the cold-timing score exceeds the goal, the teacher will typically adjust the goal to 30 (grades 4 or below) or 40 (above grade 4) more than the cold-timing score. However, the goal should not be adjusted after every story.
  • The cold-timing score can be used to confirm the goal or to indicate that the goal should be changed. Goal criteria were developed to ensure that a student is not reading solely for speed. An appropriate goal allows a student to improve the fluency rate without sacrificing meaning or expression.
    • If the cold-timing score is close to or exceeds the goal, the goal may be too easy and will typically be raised.
    • If the goal is more than 30 (grades 4 or below) or 40 (above grade 4) above the cold-timing score, the goal may be too difficult and may need to be lowered.
    • However, if the student is able to reach a goal that is higher than 30 (or 40) above the cold-timing average in three to four practices without sacrificing understanding or expression, the higher goal may be appropriate. Lowering a goal may lower motivation if the student can successfully meet the goal. 

The Goal is closely related to the cold- and hot-timing scores.

  • The student’s goal should exceed the cold timing by approximately:
    • 30 in grades 4 and below.
    • 40 in grades 5 and above.
  • The goal should be challenging, so that the student needs to read the passage multiple times.
  • ​The student’s goal should be equal to or slightly less than the hot-timing score.

The Hot Timing indicates whether or not the student has been able to complete the steps successfully. 

  • The hot-timing score should never be lower than the goal. 
    • A hot-timing score lower than the goal could indicate the goal or level is too difficult if the number of practices is higher than ten.
    • A hot-timing score lower than the goal indicates the student was passed with current scores. Typically students should be held to pass criteria unless they are experiencing high levels of frustration.
  • The hot-timing score should not exceed the goal by more than nine.
    • A hot-timing score more than nine words higher than the goal may indicate that the level or goal needs to be raised if the number of practices is lower than ten.
    • A hot timing score more than nine words higher than the goal may indicate that the student is waiting for the teacher. If the student/teacher ratio is higher than 8/1, consider adding volunteers to assist the teacher.

The Expression score evaluates whether the student can read like he or she speaks.

  • The Expression score is based on the expression rubric that you can access on the Pass/Hot-timing page for each story. A student must achieve an expression score of 2 or higher.
  • A student should not have to jeopardize expression in order to meet the goal.
  • When a student struggles with expression, make sure the student is doing the Read Along step correctly.

Practices should be 3 to 10 if the stories are challenging enough.

  • If the student can meet the pass requirements in less than three practices, the level or goal may be too easy.
  • If the student needs more than 10 practices to meet the pass requirements, the level or goal may be too difficult.


Note: Quiz scores displayed in the Students At-a-Glance report are the average of three stories and reflect the student’s first attempt to answer each question. (To pass a story, a student must answer all questions correctly—even if it takes multiple attempts. By the time a student finishes the story, the quiz score should always be 100%, but the At-a-Glance report uses the quiz first attempt as a measure of comprehension.)

  • Students should have at least 60% correct on the first attempt at the quiz for the first few stories. Comprehension scores typically increase as the student becomes more comfortable in the program and fluency begins to improve.
  • Students should aim to answer all questions correctly on the first attempt; however, once past the first few stories, an average quiz score of 80% or higher on the Students At-a-Glance report is an acceptable average. 
Critical Evaluation Periods

You should generate a current Students At-a-Glance report to:

  • Check initial placement after students complete the first three-to-six stories.
  • Monitor student performance after students complete the first 12 stories in a level to determine if a change in level or goal is indicated.
  • Monitor student performance after students complete all 24 stories in a level to determine if a student should advance to the next level or work in a different series at the same level.
For more information about Read Live Reports:

pointer  Monitoring student performance in Read Naturally Live


Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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