Read Live Release Notes


Read Live v2.8.0.0 Release Notes

Released September 2020


What's New in This Release

The Read Live release includes enhancements to Word Warm-ups® Live (WWL), Read Naturally's research-based phonics intervention program. The changes include the addition of Word Warm-ups Live reports, refinements to the review of Quick Quiz questions, and more as described below.

This release enhances the login experience of students and staff members who work in both Read Naturally Live and Word Warm-ups Live. When students have access to more than one Read Live component application, their login experience now provides information about their current activity in both applications, and allows them direct access to any application. The Staff Member module has been restructured to sort reports by application where necessary.

Finally, this release fixes a handful of bugs. See the details below.

Summary of Specific Changes
  • Changes in the Read Naturally Live and Word Warm-ups Live Student Modules:
    • Student Login Landing Page:
      • When students have access to more than one Read Live component application, they now see a new landing page after logging in. The page gives them a brief reminder of their previous activity, and allows them to directly access each application.
      • Note that when students have access to only Read Naturally Live (RNL), they continue to move directly to their last RNL step based on any previous sessions. Students will only see the landing page and its choices when they have been given access to more than one application.
    • In Word Warm-ups Live, the Practice Word List step now displays Rank information for each student attempt. This change will help motivate students to improve their Word List timings. The ranks involved are the same ones applied in the Hot Timing step of Word List exercises.
    • When reviewing Quick Quiz responses on Story exercises in Word Warm-ups Live, staff members will now see wrong answers in red text. This change lets teachers more easily scan a student's responses.
    • In the Teacher menu, dialogs now prevent accidentally losing unsaved changes to a student's assignment or options. This change affects both Read Naturally Live and Word Warm-ups Live. 
    • Students logged into Word Warm-ups Live now see an alert when changes are made to their assignment from the Staff Module.
    • A Google Login problem occurring in a few accounts has been fixed. 
  • Changes in the Read Live Staff Member Module:
    • Word Warm-ups Live reports have been added.
      • Staff Members can now review all past student activity in Word List Graphs, Spelling Graphs, and Exercise Details reports.
    • The Reports area of the Staff Module has been restructured. Reports at the Read Live level, including basic roster information, are now separate from reports for each component application. 
      • Existing Read Naturally Live reports themselves are unchanged.
    • Staff Member passwords can again be reset for users in the Chrome browser. A bug introduced by the latest versions of Chrome has been addressed.
    • The Read Naturally Live Placement Report again properly includes students who have been placed, but who have never logged into the RNL Student Module.

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