Read Naturally Encore II: Checking initial placement calculator


Instructions: Enter the information for this student's three most-recent stories found on the student's graphs for fluency and comprehension. Use the TAB key to move to the next field, and Shift-TAB to go back. You can also use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to increase or decrease the values. Results are only valid for the student's first six stories in a level. For more information about how these scores are calculated, please see this guide.

Placement Ranges per Level

3rd-most Recent
2nd-most Recent
Most Recent Story
Average (Rounded Down)
Cold Timing
Number of Practices
Hot Timing
Quiz Correct Out of

Level Recommendation


Level Calculation Details (click to show/hide)
Level Calculations Quiz 80% or higher Quiz 60% - 79% Quiz 59% or lower
Average Cold Timing Higher than Initial Placement Range Raise level Continue level and provide comprehension support Lower level and provide comprehension support
Average Cold Timing Within Initial Placement Range Continue level Continue level and provide comprehension support Lower level and provide comprehension support
Average Cold Timing Lower than Initial Placement Range Lower level Lower level and provide comprehension support Lower level and provide comprehension support

Goal Recommendation


Goal Calculation Details (click to show/hide)
Goal Calculations Goal is too low
Goal is appropriate
Goal is too high
Initial Goal - Average Cold Timing Grades 1-4: 24 or less
Grades 5+: 34 or less
Grades 1-4: 25 - 35
Grades 5+: 35 - 45
Grades 1-4: 36 or more
Grades 5+: 46 or more
Average Hot Timing - Initial Goal > 10 0 - 10 < 0
Average # Practices < 3 3 - 10 > 10
Goal Details


Privacy Information (click to show/hide)

This calculator does not send data to Read Naturally or anyplace else. All calculations are done locally, inside your browser. No student data from this calculator is stored anywhere, except temporarily in your own browser on your own device.


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