Other Interventions and Tools (Webinars)


Webcast Video: Introduction to Take Aim! at Vocabulary


Presented April 17, 2019 by Claire Hayes, Read Naturally Educational Consultant.

A well-developed vocabulary is essential for reading success. Reading comprehension becomes increasingly challenging for students who lack adequate word knowledge. Read Naturally’s Take Aim! at Vocabulary program uses several research-based, independent word-learning strategies. This webinar discusses those strategies and walks through the steps that students go through in Take Aim to improve their vocabulary and comprehension.

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Resources for This Webinar

pointer Slides for this webinar​
pointer Sample:  Take Aim! at Vocabulary — Individualized Format

Topics Covered
  • The impact of vocabulary on reading development—specifically comprehension.
  • Research-based strategies that promote vocabulary growth.
  • How vocabulary skills and strategies are developed.
  • How Read Naturally’s Take Aim! at Vocabulary effectively applies these strategies in a powerful program that can be implemented in two formats: Group Format and Individualized Format.

40 minutes

  • Beginning teachers
  • Classroom teachers
  • Reading teachers/specialists
  • School or district administrators
  • Special education teachers
  • Title I teachers
  • RTI coordinators

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