Working with Read Naturally Encore (Webinars)


Webinar Video: Developing fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension with Encore II


Presented February 23, 2022 by Claire Hayes, Read Naturally Educational Consultant.

Build successful, confident learners with a traditional print-based intervention program for striving readers. Using the proven Read Naturally Strategy with reproducible masters and audio support, Read Naturally Encore II combines an intrinsically motivating system with evidence-based practices to deliver results.

Webinar Handouts

pointer Slides for this webinar
pointer Working Through a Story in Read Naturally Encore II (video)
pointer About Read Naturally Encore

Topics Covered
  • The role of fluency in overall reading proficiency.
  • How to identify students who are at risk for reading failure.
  • Our three research-based strategies:
    • How they work together to improve fluency, support vocabulary, and promote comprehension in developing readers
    • Why each step in the process is critical to achieve maximum results
  • How Read Naturally’s research-proven program, Encore, has significantly accelerated the reading achievement of Title I, special education, ELL, and mainstream students nationwide for almost 30 years.
  • The many enhancements and improvements included in our latest release of Encore II.

45 minutes 

  • Beginning teachers
  • Classroom teachers
  • Reading teachers/specialists
  • School or district administrators
  • Special education teachers
  • Title I teachers
  • RTI coordinators

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