Working with Read Naturally Live


Webinar Video: Read Naturally Live: Placement


Presented by Claire Hayes, Read Naturally Educational Consultant.

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Placement is the process of selecting reading material and setting an initial goal for a student who is about to begin using Read Naturally Live. Placing a student in Read Naturally Live involves determining the following:

  • Level: Which level of material is most appropriate for this student?
  • Series: Which series would most benefit this student?
  • Goal: Which goal rate will challenge but not frustrate the student?

Correct placement is crucial to success in Read Naturally Live. You must select a combination of reading material and goal rate that will challenge the student without being discouraging. The material and the goal rate need to be difficult enough to require the student to practice reading the story several times to reach his or her goal, even after the student has read along with audio recordings of the story. However, the level and goal should not be so difficult that the student gives up because of frustration.

Topics Covered

Watch this webinar video to:

  • Learn how to determine a Read Naturally Live level, select a series, and set a goal for your students before they begin using the program.
  • Learn how to identify students’ earliest phonics needs.
  • View a live demonstration of the placement process in Read Naturally Live.
  • Receive free resources that will help you implement your current curriculum more effectively.
Webinar Handouts

pointer Slides for this webinar
pointer Independent Placement Student Guide

Useful Links
  •  Read Live Help: An excellent and up-to-date compendium of useful resources for Read Live throughout the year.
  •  Read Live User Guide: For more information about using Read Live.

42 minutes

  • Any staff members using Read Naturally Live
  • Anyone wishing to learn more about the placement process for Read Naturally Live

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