Other Interventions and Tools (Webinars)


Webinar Video: Signs for Sounds: Spelling by the numbers


Presented October 24, 2018 by Karen Hunter, Read Naturally Educational Consultant.

Teachers can work smarter—not harder—to provide highly-effective spelling instruction for beginning and developing readers. Learning to spell and learning to read rely on much of the same underlying knowledge—the relationships between letters and sounds.

  • Did you know that 50% of words have regular spelling patterns, and another 37% are very close? Students need to learn these reliable patterns. And, this instruction has a positive impact on reading development!
  • Did you know that 100 words make up 50% of the words children read and write? Obviously, these words have a high priority for our instructional time. Read Naturally’s Signs for Sounds™ uses research-based strategies to teach students how to spell sound-out words (with regular spelling patterns) and spell-out words (with irregular spelling patterns)—with a special emphasis on high-frequency words.
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Webinar Handouts

pointer Presentation packet for this webinar
pointer Signs for Sounds level 1 sample
pointer Signs for Sounds level 2 sample
pointer Signs for Sounds assessment packet (levels 1 & 2)
pointer Signs for Sounds level 1 word sorts
pointer Signs for Sounds level 2 word sorts

Topics Covered
  • Why spelling instruction is important
  • How spelling instruction supports reading development
  • Which words should be taught
  • Effective strategies for teaching sound-out words and spell-out words
  • How to implement research-based spelling instruction using Signs for Sounds
  • How spelling assessments identify students’ strengths and needs and allow you to target instruction
  • How Signs for Sounds can be used with Read Naturally Live

30 minutes 

  • Classroom teachers
  • Reading specialists
  • Title I teachers
  • Special education and response-to-intervention (RTI) teachers
  • Curriculum specialists
  • Educational consultants
  • Tutors
  • Paraprofessionals

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