Teach your students how to do the steps of Read Naturally Live—Español by combining this five-part video series, A Student's Guide to Read Naturally Live—Español, with hands-on experience. In each video a student demonstrates a different set of steps. After watching a video, have each student log in to his/her first Read Naturally Live—Español story and complete the steps demonstrated in the video.
You must enroll, license, and place your students before showing these videos to them.
The following document provides instructions for setting up students and using the videos to teach them the steps.
Implementing "A Student's Guide to Read Naturally Live—Español"
The students watch this video, and then each student completes the demonstrated activities in his/her initial Read Naturally Live—Español story. When all students are playing Wordtastic, show Parte 2.
After the students watch this video, each student continues to play Wordtastic until the teacher logs in to conduct the student's cold timing (Primer Intento). Then the student works on the Read Along step (Leer Juntos). When all students have completed at least one read along, show Parte 3.
After viewing this video, each student completes the demonstrated activities in his/her Read Naturally Live—Español story—Practice (Práctica), Quiz (Prueba), and Retell (Volver a Contar). When all the students reach Pass/More Practice (Aprobar/Practicar más), show Parte 4.
After watching this video, each student makes a recording (grabación) as he or she reads the story for the pass timing step. When all of the students have made a recording and are alternating between playing Wordtastic and reading the story, show Parte 5.
After watching this video, each student plays Wordtastic and practices the story until the teacher logs in to work through the Pass step with him or her. After meeting all the requirements, the student selects a new story.
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