Working with Read Naturally Live—Español


Webinar Video: Read Naturally Live—Español basics


Presented by Ben Weisner, Senior Solutions Manager.

This webinar gives an overview of Read Naturally Live—Español, a Spanish-language version of Read Naturally Live that develops the literacy skills of multilingual readers. You can use this program with Spanish-speaking students before or while a student learns to read in English or to help native English speakers learn to read Spanish text fluently.

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Topics Covered
  • A comparison of the four components of Read Live
  • How to log in as a teacher and set up students with access to Read Naturally Live—Español
  • How to place students in an appropriate level and goal
  • How you can differentiate instruction by customizing the settings
  • A demonstration of logging in as a student and working through the steps of the program
  • Features that facilitate distance learning
  • Reports for monitoring student progress
  • Resources available on the Read Naturally website, including the Read Live Help page
Webinar Handouts

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26 minutes

  • Read Live staff members
  • Anyone interested in learning more about how Read Naturally Live—Español is used with students

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