Read Live can be used anywhere students have internet access and an appropriate device. It is well-suited to providing an effective reading intervention in classroom, blended learning, and distance-learning models. Students work through the independent steps of the program on their own and collaborate with the teacher on the steps requiring teacher involvement. Together, the teacher and the student determine the combination that works best for each learner.
The information we’ve provided here will assist you in adapting the Read Live program to suit your school’s or classroom’s use of the program during school closures and beyond.
Please watch the how-to videos to help you understand newly-added functionality within Read Live to support its use in a distance-learning model. Distance Learning Features Part 1 demonstrates the Waiting List feature and the Login As tool. Distance Learning Features Part 2 explains Read Naturally Live's recording feature, which allows students to save readings during the Pass step of each story.
Whether you’re using Read Live in a traditional classroom environment or a distance-learning model, you’ll need to set up your account before students can begin working. This involves adding and licensing students, placing students, and training students.
Learn more about setting up Read Live
It’s important to communicate with parents about the programs their students are using. Depending on your situation, you may even want to enlist parents to support students directly at home. Whatever method you choose, sharing student expectations with parents will help ensure success.
Learn more about communicating with parents
There are many options for screen sharing and remote access tools that can be used effectively with Read Live in a distance learning model. We are currently recommending Zoom but many other programs offer the tools necessary for successful implementation.
Learn more about screen sharing and remote access tools
Placement is an important step in determining a student’s initial level and goal in Read Live. To perform placement remotely, you will need a screen-sharing program that will allow you to display the placement screen on the student’s computer.
Learn more about performing placement remotely
To reduce teacher/student interactions, particularly in a distance-learning model, the student can be released to do cold timings independently. You may want to adjust other steps based on your objectives for the program, your time constraints, and your students’ needs and abilities.
Learn more about conducting Cold Timings remotely
Although students work mostly independently in Read Live, there are times when a proficient reader is required to support the student. The pass activities will always require a proficient reader to listen to the students and check answers to open-ended questions. Parents can be enabled to conduct the pass activities, or teachers can use remote access and screen-sharing tools to pass students remotely.
Any proficient reader can support a student during the pass activities. You can add parents as Read Live Assistants and enable them to conduct timings and pass students. This is a great solution in many situations.
Learn more about enabling parents to complete pass activities
To complete the Pass step, teachers will be required to not only view the student’s screen but also to control it to initiate the pass timing, enter errors and expression scores, as well as evaluate the student’s quiz, retell, or word list scores.
Learn more about using remote access to complete pass activities
If you prefer the simplicity of sharing your own screen with the student to conduct pass activities or your screen-sharing program does not allow for remote access, you can conduct pass activities using Read Live’s new Login As feature. You can log in as the student with a click of a button, log the student out if they are in an active session, and share your screen with them while conducting the pass activities. Log out when done and the student can resume work in Read Live.
Learn more about sharing your screen to conduct pass activities
If the student is ready for their hot timing but the teacher or parent is unavailable, another option is to have the student record themselves reading the passage, then send the recording to the teacher for later evaluation and scoring.
Learn more about recording student audio for hot timings
Tracking student progress and adjusting levels and goals is just as important in a distance-learning model as a in a traditional classroom setting. Keeping students challenged and working in the correct level with an appropriate goal will enable them to achieve maximum gains.
Learn more about using reports to keep students challenged
Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.