Read Live Release Notes


Read Live v2.1.4.0: Release Notes

Released December 2019


What's New in This Release
  • We've restored the Email Contacts feature. This page allows staff members to email a student's parents or guardians from within the application. Optional PDF attachments describe a student's performance in Read Live.
  • The Start a New School Year page now displays the date on which the page was last used to update students in the account.
Read Live version includes the following changes:
  • The Email Contacts page has been added to allow staff members to email students' parents or guardians.
    To use the page:
  1. From the navigation menu, choose Read Naturally Live.
  2. Under the Email Contacts column, click the envelope icon for the student whose contacts will receive the email.
    Note that you can only send emails if a student's record includes the appropriate Contact addresses.
  3. Compose your message using the Subject and Email text fields. The application suggests some default text which you can edit.
  4. On the right side of the page, choose any attachments to include as PDFs. You can attach any combination of a progress letter for the student, an award for a single story, or an award for work in a level.
  5. If you want to preview the attachments, click the Preview Attachments button. All of the attachments you chose are displayed. Click Back to return to the Email Contacts page. 
  6. Click the Send & Close button to send your message to the student's parents or guardians.
  • For Account Administrators only: The Start a New School Year page will now begin recording and displaying the date on which this feature was previously run for your account. The added information will help to prevent situations in which more than one Account Administrator advances student grades for the same school year.
  • We’ve fixed miscellaneous problems discovered since the previous release. These fixes include improvements to the login and forgot password process.

Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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