Read Live Release Notes


Read Live v2.6.0.0: Release Notes

Released August 2020


What's New in This Release
  • The Read Naturally Live page in the Staff Module has added two new features to support distance learning:
    • ​The Story Details report for each student's current story allows teachers to quickly review a student's recent work. 
      • Click the Details button under the Current Story column to open the report for a student.
      • The Last Login Date on the report indicates how recently the student logged into Read Live.
    • The new Login As feature allows teachers to more easily interact with students online. 
      • Click the Login button under the Login As column to open the Read Naturally Live Student Module for a specific student.
        Teachers do not need to enter student credentials when using this feature. 
        The Student Module opens to the student's current step in Read Naturally Live.
      • Login As eases common distance learning tasks:
        • Teachers can use the feature along with screen sharing software to conduct student timings over the internet.
        • If students have sent teachers a recording, teachers can use the recording to score cold or pass timings within the open student session.

Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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