Read Live Online Courses

Welcome to Read Naturally Online Courses for Teachers

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Read Naturally’s Online Courses for Teachers are interactive, self-paced professional development courses for educators. Designed for individual or group use, our Online Courses connect course materials to real-world practice in Read Naturally programs. 

How you can use Online Courses:
Teachers use Online Courses to learn independently through a self-paced format that helps you improve your classroom practice, advance your professional development, and earn continuing education credit.

Online Courses provide easy and free learning opportunities, delivered through online learning modules designed to: 

  • Introduce you to concepts designed by Read Naturally program developers.
  • Engage you in a blend of media-rich learning activities.
  • Let you access additional reading materials to expand your knowledge.
  • Allow you to revisit content and video as often as you like.
  • Assess your understanding of the content through interactive checks for acquired skills and knowledge.

Courses Reviews

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 3, 2020

Victoria Warren
Lots of reading. but good information

Read Naturally Live Online Course Feb 4, 2020

Donna Blatt
very informative and helpful

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 28, 2020

Rehana Mohammad
It was very informative and helpful. Thanks

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 28, 2020

Kaia Lazo
Very thorough.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 27, 2020

Bita Fanazad
This course was very helpful.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 24, 2020

Kara Phillips
This provided all the detailed information so I can make sure we are executing the program with fidelity. The course also made it very clear how to decide whether to increase a goal or level and adjust settings to customize them for each student's needs.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 11, 2020

Erin Paul

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 9, 2020

Jonathan Jenkins
pretty good

Read Naturally Live Online Course Dec 18, 2019

Kristi Howard
This course was very thorough in providing resources to learn how to use Read Naturally as well as resources for helping Learners work through the course.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Dec 13, 2019

Paula O'Rourke
It was very informative

Read Naturally Live Online Course Dec 13, 2019

Catherine Forrest
Great resource for learning about the program.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Dec 10, 2019

Kati Stieler
Very thorough course. I really loved the times when we got to work along in a webinar and try our hand at assessing and working with student data. One thing that can be updated is making sure all the links work. There were a number that do not.

READ NATURALLY REPLY: Thank you for pointing out the broken links. The errors have fixed and all links are working correctly now.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Dec 10, 2019

Dante Parisi
Great course!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Dec 5, 2019

Kristen Franciotti
The course videos and text were very informative and easily paced for our need to log in and out frequently, so that the online portion of training could occur within the scope of a busy work day. I was very pleased to never have lost any progress during my training. My only suggestion would be to create fewer files from which to copy training handouts. Many thanks!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 24, 2019

Anna Marie Pacilio
This course was extremely helpful, and allowed me to really understand the power of this program and its ability to differentiate every student's requirements for success.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 21, 2019

Carissa Carlin
Good course. Easy and helpful.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 18, 2019

laura wright
I love working on this program, I think is very helpful for kids who really need the extra support.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 3, 2019

Laurie Menard
Very helpful, especially with all the handouts to turn back to if needed

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 1, 2019

Deanna Niggli
Thank you! This training was very helpful and I will be utilizing the resources with future RN groups.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Oct 26, 2019

Philip Cohen
Very interactive and informative, I am excited to trial the program.

Courses Reviews


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