Read Naturally Live recently added the option for students to record themselves during hot timings. This way, if a student is ready for the hot timing but a teacher is unavailable, the student can do a recording that the teacher evaluates and scores at a later time. This option is particularly beneficial in distance-learning situations when a teacher cannot always be present for the student’s hot timing. As Read Live users have taken advantage of this new feature, they’ve also realized another benefit—it’s helpful for students to hear themselves reading.
Listening to oneself read is a form of self-monitoring, which has a strong research base. When students listen to themselves read, their reading tends to improve. This listen/reflect structure encourages students to think about the things they can improve on and continue practicing. They improve accuracy and expressiveness each time they complete the cycle of reading, listening, and evaluating. Hearing their improvement is highly motivating. Furthermore, when they listen to themselves reading as they follow along with the text, they’re able to recognize words they misread and correct them, reinforcing the benefits of the Read Along step.
Many educators have given the feedback that students and teachers alike love this feature in Read Naturally Live. According to one educator, the recording option helps with efficiency and showing students their progress. The opportunity to self-reflect gives students insights into how they sound when they read and how they can improve. “Kids love to listen to themselves and try to make better versions of recordings—a definite plus for motivation and accuracy!” she said.
Note that the option to record hot timings will remain just that—an option. Some students lack the coping skills to manage the discomfort of listening to their own recorded voices, especially before they sound how they wish to sound while reading. Teachers should use their knowledge of each student to judge whether listening to the recording will cause unnecessary stress. A recording is not required and is easy to turn on or off.
Click here for more information about using this feature in Read Naturally Live. If you’re not currently a Read Live user, try the program free for 60 days! Click here to get started.
For helpful research on the benefits of self-monitoring in reading, see Guzman, G., Goldberg, T. S., & Swanson, H. L. (2018). A meta-analysis of self-monitoring on reading performance of K–12 students. School Psychology Quarterly, 33(1), 160.
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