In a distance learning setting, teachers have several ways to conduct hot timings and subsequent pass activities, including parent as assistant, screen sharing, and remote control. If the student is ready for their hot timing but the teacher or parent is unavailable, another option is to have the student record themselves reading the passage, then send the recording to the teacher for later evaluation and scoring. Students can either read from the passage in Read Naturally Live on the Pass/More Practice screen, or from a copy of the passage that can be printed or downloaded by the teacher and shared with the student.
An audio recording feature is available for student Story and Word List hot timings in Read Naturally Live. Students are now able to record themselves reading, and teachers can evaluate and score the recordings using audio features displayed on Read Naturally Live hot timing steps. Students waiting for the Pass step in Read Naturally Live can now record Story and Word List hot timing attempts.
Teachers will now have the option to score the timing from the student recording or conduct the timing with the student present. The Score Recording option allows a teacher to complete the timing asynchronously using the student's recording. The Start Live Timing option allows teachers to conduct live timings when students are present, even if a recording has been saved.
Staff Member Module includes a Wait List page to support the recording feature. All users with a role of account administrator, school coordinator, teacher, or assistant can see which students are currently waiting for cold and hot timing activities. It allows these users to review the student's Current Story Details report and to Login As the student to conduct Cold Timing or Pass steps.
Learn more about using the hot timing recording feature.
Note: The student recording feature can now be disabled for an entire account or for individual students. Both levels of control must be enabled for a student to record their hot timing.
A number of programs that are already being used in many schools are suitable for this purpose as well, including Seesaw, Screencastify, and Vocaroo.
Here’s our recommendation for how to use a student recording for the hot timing. Depending on the tool you use for recording, the process may be modified to suit your requirements.
TIP: Before students send their hot timing recording to the teacher, have them listen to the recording. Encourage them to think about the things they could improve on, then record again. The listen/reflect structure encourages students to continue practicing the passage and improving their accuracy and expressiveness each time they complete the cycle of reading, listening and evaluating. When they read a passage, then listen back to it while following along with the text, they're able to recognize words they misread and correct them.
Please consider using student recordings for hot timings as one more option available to you to meet the challenges of working with students while you and they remain outside of the classroom.
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