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Are you looking for a way to quickly and accurately assess your students’ phonics abilities? Look no further than Read Naturally’s Quick Phonics Screener (QPS).

Teachers consistently report that QPS provides highly valuable information through an easy and efficient process. This criterion-referenced assessment is appropriate for kindergartners, adult learners, and all students in between.

Next week, we will be exhibiting at the National Association of Psychologists (NASP) Conference in Washington, DC from February 18 – 21, 2014. This conference brings together more than 6,000 attendees focused on the education and mental health issues affecting children and youth. If you are able to attend, make sure to visit our booth #507 for a chance to win free curriculum. We will also be presenting a presentation.

Now that I have the floor, I’d like to give my two cents on our Idioms series. Here’s the scoop: In the English language, idioms are a dime a dozen. We’re up to our ears in them! Native speakers are old hand at incorporating idioms into conversation, but ELL students are often behind the eight ball. When they hear these silly expressions, they must think we’re off our rockers. These students are probably tearing their hair out trying to understand what we mean! To make a long story short: Idioms are fun for us, but they’re driving our ELL students up the wall.

This weekend, we will be exhibiting at the National Title I Conference in San Diego, CA from February 2 – 5, 2014. This conference brings together thousands of educators who work within the Title I program, as well as those who want to learn more about it. If you are able to attend, make sure to visit our booth #315 for a chance to win free curriculum.

What are the most effective ways to teach words and word learning? This edutopia article offers 11 strategies for teaching vocabulary effectively and in accordance with the Common Core State Standards. We were pleased to see that many of the suggestions in the article are incorporated into our popular Take Aim at Vocabulary program. Years of extensive research, carefully developed content, and thorough field-testing went into making Take Aim the highly successful tool it is. We believe Take Aim is the best product on the market for developing vocabulary in the critical middle grades, and Take Aim users agree. Here’s why:

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The One Minute Reader iPad App has been out since January, and we've received fantastic feedback from parents, teachers, and students. The app has even been recognized as a Top App for 2013 by Creative Child Magazine.

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The One Minute Reader iPad App has earned a “Top App of the Year Award” and a “Media of the Year Award” for 2013 by Creative Child Magazine! The awards will be officially announced in the fall, but we wanted to share the great news with you today.

Ever feel like you need to be doing more with less time? That’s why we couldn't leave well enough alone. We listened to your suggestions and totally re-made the Read Naturally GATE so that it is better than ever for you and your students.

Students using Read Naturally Live have completed more than 1,000,000 stories! Since being released in June of 2011, thousands of teachers have used Read Live with tens of thousands of students. We have received fantastic feedback from teachers and students, and it’s clear Read Naturally Live is the best version of the Read Naturally strategy ever. I have a feeling two million stories isn't that far off.

Earlier this year, our award-winning One Minute Reader program jumped off the page and onto the tablet. The free version of the One Minute Reader iPad app was an instant hit, giving developing readers everywhere the opportunity to try a unique fluency-building strategy that really works. Thousands of excited parents and teachers have since purchased additional One Minute Reader content through the in-app bookstore. Today, we’re happy to announce that it’s even more convenient and less expensive to purchase this content—just in time to ensure your students continue making gains over the summer.

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry




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