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We are pleased to share a blog post written by Read Naturally teacher Sarah Voelbel. Sarah spent this past year working with founder Candyce Ihnot in the Read Naturally Reading Lab at Faithful Shepherd School in Eagan, MN. This was Sarah’s first experience with Read Naturally. She shares her reflections after a year of using the program with students.

After several years of struggling Keyden has worked his way to April Star of the Month! Keyden is a second grade student at Sulphur Elementary in Sulphur, OK. This year Keyden has been working hard in Read Naturally with his teacher Tracy Cook and things have really started to click for Keyden.

Brandon O. grabbed this month's Star of the Month award. Brandon is a fourth grade dual language student at the George Brown Jr. School in San Bernardino, CA. Brandon's teacher Ms. Newcomer nominated Brandon for his new found confidence and enthusiasm towards reading.

Sophia F. from Wilmington, NC is conquering her reading mountain! Sophia is a third-grade student at Murrayville Elementary working with Ms. Hawthorne on her reading and spelling. Sophia was chosen as Star of the Month for her ambitious reading goals and success so far.

Tip your hat to Wim C. for he is our January Star of the Month. Wim is a fifth grade student at Camperdown Academy in Greenville, SC.

We're excited to round out 2018 Star of the Month winners with Evan G. from Lynnfield, MA. Evan is a fourth-grade student at huckleberry Hills Elementary school. Evan is like the team captain of his reading group with Ms. McNamara; continuously ensuring his group has what it needs and leading by example in his work.

Break out the victory dance Aleysha S. you are our November Star of the Month. Aleysha is a second grade student at Panorama City Elementary School in Panorama City, CA.
Aleysha is not letting her hearing difficulties stand in her way of becoming a fluent reader.

Congratulations goes to Caden D. from Fiskdale, MA for being named Read Naturally's October Star of the Month. Caden is an eighth-grade student at Tantasqua Regional Junior High School.

Thanks to Luke M. for being Read Naturally's first Star of the Month winner this school year. Luke is a fifth grade student at Christ Presbyterian Academy in Nashville, TN.

Nathalia A. is our April Star of the Month winner. Nathalia is a sixth-grade student at Lutie Lewis Coates Elementary. She was nominated for the incredible progress she has made in Read Naturally Live and the increased confidence she now has. After two years Nathalia is now reading on grade level, which is an increase of three grade levels. Her teacher Jennette Leiva had shared the following with us about Nathalia's success.

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry





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