RN Bookmark

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Are your Read Naturally students working in the correct level? And do they have an appropriate goal? Every year around this time, we like to remind teachers of the importance of ​checking their students’ initial Read Naturally placement. A Read Naturally student will make optimal progress in the program when he or she works in the appropriate level of reading material and has an appropriate words-correct-per-minute goal. Our detailed checking initial placement process will help you verify whether the level and goal you initially set for the student is the right fit or whether you need to make adjustments.

If you’ve identified the need for a Read Naturally intervention, you’re probably eager for your students to begin working in the program as soon as possible. You may have a hunch about ​which Read Naturally level is right for your student, and you likely have assessment data to support this hunch. Is this enough information to pick a Read Naturally level and bypass the official placement process, in the interest of saving a little time?

You’ve reached that point in September when the school year no longer feels quite so new. Students are settling into routines, patterns are emerging, and everyone is feeling a bit more comfortable. By this point, many educators have already identified or are in the process of identifying which students need additional reading support. It’s the perfect time of year to familiarize yourself and your students with Read Naturally Live—the most effective online tool to help your students crush their reading goals this year.

All Read Live users are now operating in Read Live version 2.1—our best version yet! This version includes many helpful updates and utilizes the most current web technologies.

At Read Naturally, we love to recognize students, teachers, and schools who work hard to raise reading achievement. As you embark on the new school year, keep in mind Read Naturally’s Star of the Month and School of the Year programs, and be sure to nominate those who deserve to win.

We wrap up the 2018-19 school year by congratulating Owen L. from Hadley, MA on being named our May Star of the Month. Owen is just finishing the third grade at Hadley Elementary.

The end of another wonderful school year is upon us, which means it’s time to look back at our most popular blog posts. Each year, we highlight the 10 most-read RN Bookmark posts ​from August through May. This is a great way for teachers to catch up on important content they may have missed and to learn which posts resonated most with their peers. As usual, the RN Bookmark blog was full of helpful Read Naturally tips, tricks, and industry news this year.

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of Read Naturally Encore II. Encore II is a significant update to our popular fluency-building program, Read Naturally Encore. Encore uses the research-based Read Naturally Strategy to accelerate reading achievement using print materials and audio CDs. Encore II builds upon a solid, time-tested foundation to ensure the program will continue serving students for years to come.

We are pleased to share a blog post written by Read Naturally teacher Sarah Voelbel. Sarah spent this past year working with founder Candyce Ihnot in the Read Naturally Reading Lab at Faithful Shepherd School in Eagan, MN. This was Sarah’s first experience with Read Naturally. She shares her reflections after a year of using the program with students.

After several years of struggling Keyden has worked his way to April Star of the Month! Keyden is a second grade student at Sulphur Elementary in Sulphur, OK. This year Keyden has been working hard in Read Naturally with his teacher Tracy Cook and things have really started to click for Keyden.

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry





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