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We hope that you and your students will enjoy these new printables: updated labels, a weekly story tracker, a difficult word list, and blank graphs for Read Naturally Live.

There are an unlimited number of variables surrounding and affecting us at all times. Reading time is no exception. What can we do to create an optimal reading space for our students and children? Here are some easy and effective ideas:

The two most important factors in a successful read-aloud are a great book selection and a great delivery. When these two factors are present, it feels like magic. The room becomes still. All eyes are on the reader. The crowd collectively furrows at the worrisome parts of the story and roars with laughter at the funny parts. When good stories are read aloud, they can instantly lift up, teach, and unite diverse groups of people. Few things in life are so simple, yet so powerful.

We are thrilled to share that Read Naturally's curriculum directors have recently been featured in two high-quality educational publications accessed by tens of thousands of educators nationwide. Our Director of Curriculum, Karen McKenna, wrote an article for THE Journal entitled 5 Ways to Add Elements of the Science of Reading to a Balanced Literacy Program. Our Assistant Director of Curriculum, Sarah Jane Schonour, wrote an article for SmartBrief Education entitled Providing Literacy Intervention, Support Within MTSS.

“What is your favorite children’s book and why?” We asked this question to the entire Read Naturally staff. The reason was twofold. First, we wanted to donate the books—48 in total—to a local nonprofit called Read Indeed, which distributes books to children in need. Second, we wanted to compile a thoughtful booklist to share with all of you, our dear supporters.

Congratulations to Adalynn, our June Star of the Month! Adalynn is a rising third grader at Crescent Elementary in Anaheim, CA. Here is what Adalynn's teacher, Ms. Caughren, had to say about her.

As the 2021-2022 school year draws to a close, we want to take this time to highlight the top 10 RN Bookmark posts from August through May. This is the perfect time to catch up on helpful content that you may have missed during such a hectic school year.

We've been busy here at Read Naturally, too! Our mission is to help you, help students, which is why we're always working to add new content, resources, and features. Take a look at the posts that attracted the most attention from your fellow educators this year:

The Read Live School of the Year Award recognizes schools whose students have substantially improved their reading skills with Read Live. Thank you to everyone who participated! We received dozens of excellent nominations. 

Congratulations to Landon S., our May Star of the Month! Landon is a fifth grader at Cactus Valley Elementary School in Silt, CO. Here is what Landon's teacher, Ms. Sanderman, had to say about him:

​​​​​​​Congratulations to Andrew A., our April Star of the Month!

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry





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