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In these uncertain times, students everywhere will benefit from familiarity and consistency. We are so grateful that our most popular program, Read Live, can be used in a distance-learning model to provide this kind of support.

As a web-based program, Read Live is ideally suited for use in a distance learning model. Of course, nothing can replace the learning that happens when students interact personally with their teacher. However, there are times when distance learning is the best, or only, option.

Unexpected school closures are difficult for educators, parents, and students. It’s especially stressful under the rapidly developing COVID-19 situation. We understand the difficulty you’re facing, and we are available to support you however we can. Read Live does allow for students to continue working outside of school. You can enter parents as Read Live Assistants allowing them to conduct timings, choose remedial actions, and pass stories.

​Have the students in your school experienced great success using Read Naturally Live this year? If so, now is your chance to win up to $2,000 for your school! The 2020 Read Live School of the Year Award recognizes schools whose students have substantially improved their reading skills using the Read Live program this year. Enter your school today! We are accepting submissions now through April 19.

If you want to get the most from your Read Naturally Live program and receive continuing education credits in the process, don’t miss the chance to attend one of our Read Naturally Live Hands-On Training and Strategy Workshops. This training will help you take advantage of Read Naturally Live’s many features and ensure the program is working well for all students.

If your students have been properly trained in the Read Naturally program, and if you’ve checked their initial placement (Encore or Read Naturally Live), you’re now entering the sweet spot of a Read Naturally intervention. This is when your students’ progress and confidence will really start to soar. You now have the important task of monitoring their performance to accelerate learning.

It is a remarkable thing to witness students improving in their reading fluency. Sometimes you can hear the difference from one day to the next. Students can hear the difference in their own voices too. More importantly, they can feel it—and it’s this feeling of confidence that motivates them to work even harder. The purpose of a Read Naturally intervention is for students to make as much fluency growth as possible from day to day, week to week, month to month. As an educator, how can you support and maximize this growth?

Are your Read Naturally students working in the correct level? And do they have an appropriate goal? Every year around this time, we like to remind teachers of the importance of ​checking their students’ initial Read Naturally placement. A Read Naturally student will make optimal progress in the program when he or she works in the appropriate level of reading material and has an appropriate words-correct-per-minute goal. Our detailed checking initial placement process will help you verify whether the level and goal you initially set for the student is the right fit or whether you need to make adjustments.

If you’ve identified the need for a Read Naturally intervention, you’re probably eager for your students to begin working in the program as soon as possible. You may have a hunch about ​which Read Naturally level is right for your student, and you likely have assessment data to support this hunch. Is this enough information to pick a Read Naturally level and bypass the official placement process, in the interest of saving a little time?

You’ve reached that point in September when the school year no longer feels quite so new. Students are settling into routines, patterns are emerging, and everyone is feeling a bit more comfortable. By this point, many educators have already identified or are in the process of identifying which students need additional reading support. It’s the perfect time of year to familiarize yourself and your students with Read Naturally Live—the most effective online tool to help your students crush their reading goals this year.

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry





Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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