Read Live Release Notes


Read Live v2.25.0.0 Release Notes

Released September 2021


What's New in This Release

Read Live version includes the addition of crossword puzzles in One Minute Reader Live. One crossword is available based on each book’s content. Students access crossword puzzles after completing all of a book’s stories.

A new Word Warm-ups Level Report has been added to Word Warm-ups Live. The new report, available from the Staff Member Module, lets teachers review student performance across all the exercises in one or more levels. The Spelling area of the Exercise Details report has also been revised.

Vocabulary words are now present on practice pages in Read Naturally Live and the Read Alone page in One Minute Reader Live. This feature previously only appeared on the Read Along steps of stories in both applications.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see a blank page when opening Read Live after this release, you may need to clear your browser's cache

Summary of new features

  • Crossword Puzzles in One Minute Reader Live: 
    • Each book includes one crossword puzzle based on the content of the book's stories. 
    • Students can access the crossword after completing all stories in a book.
    • Student performance in the crossword puzzle is displayed on the Book Summary report.
  • Word Warm-ups Level Report: 
    • The new report is available in the Staff Member Module's Word Warm-ups Live Reports area.
    • It describes students' work across all the sections and exercises in one or more levels.
    • Detailed results are provided for all the exercises in each section, allowing teachers to identify specific areas of need.
  • Vocabulary words are accessible on story practice pages:
    • This change makes the existing vocabulary words available on steps where a student commonly spends the most time in each story.
    • In Read Naturally Live, the Practice step and other pages where a student reads alone now include this feature.
    • In One Minute Reader Live, the vocabulary words are now present on the Read Alone step.
  • Word Warm-ups Exercise Details Spelling Area Revision:
    • The Spelling area of Exercise Details has been revised to make students' results across multiple attempts clearer. 
    • The Word Warm-ups and Read Naturally Live Phonics series now display Spelling step results identically.

Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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