Read Live Release Notes


Read Live v2.26.0.0 Release Notes

Released October 2021


What's New in This Release

Read Live version includes the addition of a new Short Answer step in One Minute Reader Live. The new step asks the student to respond to an open-ended question about the story they have just read. Students then assess their response against a set of possible correct answers, and are asked to rewrite their answer if appropriate.

Also in One Minute Reader Live, the crossword puzzle content introduced previously has now been incorporated into both printed books of stories and the quiz answer key. The Student Level Report now includes the date on which a student began working on their first story in a level.

In Word Warm-ups Live, a Scope and Sequence document has been added to the Staff Member Module. The document describes each exercise in every section of Word Warm-ups Live content, indicating the patterns being taught. Also, the Phonics Assessment has been updated. The Introduction page of each section is now reset whenever a teacher resets all of a student's work in that section. Finally, an information icon has been added to the Quick Quiz Review page describing student responses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see a blank page when opening Read Live after this release, you may need to clear your browser's cache

Details about new features

  • The Short Answer Step in One Minute Reader Live: 
    • The Short Answer question appears after the Quick Quiz step's multiple choice questions.
    • After typing a response in a text field, a student sees a set of possible correct answers. The student is asked whether their own answer is correct. If not, the student makes a single attempt to answer the question again.
    • Results of the Short Answer step are available on the Story Summary and Book Summary screens in the application. Teachers can also review results using the Story Summary and Book Summary reports in the Staff Member Module.
  • Also in One Minute Reader:
    • Crossword puzzle content is now included in printed books and in the quiz answer key for each story.
    • The Student Level Report now includes a date for the first Cold Read a student completed in the section for which the report was run.
  • Word Warm-ups Live changes: 
    • A Scope and Sequence document describing each exercise throughout Word Warm-ups Live content is available from the Word Warm-Ups Live page in the Staff Member Module. The document is a printable PDF.
    • The Phonics Assessment has been updated to reflect best practices. 
    • The Introduction step of each section can now be reset. When a teacher resets all of a student's exercises, the Introduction step is also reset.
    • The Quick Quiz Review page now includes an information icon describing the colors used to show student responses. 

Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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