Read Live Release Notes


Read Live v3.6: Release Notes

Released June 2022


What's New in This Release

The Read Live 3.6 release includes a change to the default application assignment a student receives with a Read Live license. When each student is assigned a new Read Live license, the One Minute Reader Live application will be assigned to that student by default. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see a blank page when opening Read Live, or if you cannot see the Waiting List page in the Staff Module, you may need to clear your browser's cache

Changes in This Release

  • One Minute Reader Live assigned by default with new Read Live licenses:
    • When individual students are given a new Read Live license in the Staff Member Module, the independent One Minute Reader Live application is now assigned by default. The checkbox assigning this access can be turned off as needed. This change will allow many students to begin working in Read Live quickly as soon as they have a license. 
    • The list of applications on the Student Details page also now includes a Read Naturally Live checkbox, indicating that licensed students always have Read Naturally Live access.
    • The information icons on Student Details have been revised to better communicate the uses of each application.

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