Read Naturally Live: Options for students who do not pass
If a student does not successfully complete one or more of the criteria for passing, after reviewing the student's work, you will be taken to the Pass/Remedial Actions page (Acciones Correctivas in Read Naturally Live—Español) to decide the best course of action.
- On the Pass/Remedial Actions (Acciones Correctivas) step, view the student's pass results for each pass requirement. Remedial actions are also listed for each requirement.
- Select a remedial action for each pass requirement that has not been met.
- If a student failed to meet the goal rate because he or she was reading too slowly, select Practice Story (Practicar lectura). The student will practice the story until reaching his or her goal and then complete another hot timing.
- If a student made many errors during the hot timing because he or she was unable to sound out words or read sight words, remind the student that he or she must read accurately to pass, and select the option to Read along for accuracy (Leer juntos para mayor precisión). The student will read along with the narration at the slowest pace, focusing on accuracy, and then complete another hot timing.
- If you gave the student a low expression score, remind the student to read like he or she talks, and select the option to Read along for expression (Leer juntos para mayor expresión). The student will read along with the narration at the fastest pace, focusing on expression, and then complete another hot timing.
- If the student answered any questions incorrectly, select Redo missed questions (Corregir las respuestas incorrectas). The student will redo any incorrect answers.
- If the student failed to pass the word list, select Practice word list. The student will practice the word list until reaching his or her goal and then complete another word list pass timing.
- If the student's retelling of the story did not meet your expectations, select Rework the Retell step (Retrabajar el paso Volver a contar). The student will revise his or her work on this step.
- If the student missed passing the hot timing only by a small margin, you can immediately conduct another hot timing with the student. Select Retest story (Volver a probar a la lectura) without selecting any other remedial actions.
- If the student missed passing the word list by only a small margin, you can immediately conduct another word list pass timing with the student. Select Retest word list without selecting any other remedial actions.
- If you want to pass the student with the current scores even though not all the requirements have been met, select Pass with current scores (Aprobar con puntajes actuales). If you select pass with current scores, the student will not be asked to do any remedial work. Since students strive to do better work when they know they're consistently held to the pass requirements, use pass with current scores infrequently.
- Click Next (Siguiente) to continue. The student will be required to complete any remedial actions selected. If you select multiple remedial actions, the software will prompt the student to complete the steps in order.