Working with Read Naturally Encore (Webinars)


Webinar Video: Read Naturally Encore II: Checking initial placement


You can accelerate a student's achievement by using the Placement Packet for Encore II and then checking initial placement after the student has completed three to six stories. By checking initial placement, you can determine if the student's initial level and goal are appropriate or if you should adjust the level or goal. Learn to use our online checking initial placement calculator to drive decisions.

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Topics Covered
  • Why proper placement is critical to each student’s success.
  • Why it’s important to check a student’s initial placement after the first three to six stories.
  • Why the teacher should be present during the cold timing for at least the first three stories.
  • What are the key criteria used to evaluate a student’s initial placement level and goal.
  • How to use data from Encore II student graphs to determine if initial placement is correct.
  • How to utilize the online checking initial placement calculator to drive decisions.
  • How to determine when a student’s initial level and goal are appropriate and when a student’s initial level or goal should be adjusted.
  • How to receive a FREE resource on the Read Naturally website—the step-by-step instructions for Checking Initial Placement plus a worksheet for analyzing your students’ results!
Handouts and Resources

pointer Presentation Handout
pointer Encore II Checking Initial Placement Instructions and Worksheet
pointerEncore II Checking Initial Placement Calculator
pointerEncore II Placement Packet


27 minutes

  • Teachers implementing Encore II with students

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