Working with Read Naturally Live


Webinar Video: Read Naturally Live: Basics


This webinar gives an overview of Read Naturally Live, the flagship program in our Read Live suite. Read Naturally Live focuses on fluency and phonics with strong supports for vocabulary and comprehension.

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Topics Covered
  • A comparison of the four components of Read Live
  • Read Naturally strategy
  • How to log in as a teacher and set up students with access to Read Naturally Live
  • How to place students in an appropriate series, level, and goal using teacher led or Independent placement
  • How you can differentiate instruction by customizing the settings
  • A demonstration of logging in as a student and working through the steps of the program
  • Reports for monitoring student progress
  • Resources available on the Read Naturally website, including the Read Live Help page
Webinar Handouts

pointer Slides for this webinar

Useful Links

pointer Read Live Help
pointer Student Training Videos


48 minutes

  • Read Live staff members
  • Anyone interested in learning more about how Read Naturally Live is used with students

pointer Contact Read Naturally


Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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