Build literacy skills with our free phonics games for Kindergarten and up. All of the phonics activities come with free printable cards and detailed instructions on how to play. These fun classroom games include Bang, Beginning/Middle/Ending Sounds, Last One Standing, Memory, and What's Missing. The free printable cards can be used for multiple games. All games work well for students in Kindergarten, first, and second grade, but can be modified for older students who need to work on phonics as well.
Students take turns drawing from a container of skill-practice and Bang cards. Watch out for the Bang cards!
Download InstructionsEach student is given animal picture cards and needs to identify the beginning, middle, or ending sound of each animal's name.
Download InstructionsThis is a group game that engages students in reciting the alphabet in sequence.
Download InstructionsEach card has a pair, and players take turns flipping two cards, attempting to correctly identify and match them.
Download InstructionsThis educational card game encourages small groups of students to memorize and recall letters, shapes, sight words, or numbers.
Download InstructionsThe free printable cards can be used for multiple games. Click on the button below to download.
If you have students learning phonics, you'll definitely want to bookmark this page.
Phonics Sounds
For over 30 years, Read Naturally's reading interventions have helped millions of students go from struggling to successful. Our programs are created by reading teachers who prioritize the needs of students. We are dedicated to better tools, better readers, and brighter futures.
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Read Naturally GATE+ is your complete phonics toolkit for the whole classroom! Students master phonemic awareness, phonics, and high-frequency words while developing fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Scripted lessons aligned with the Science of Reading make teaching these essential skills easy and effective for any educator.
Based on the Science of Reading, Word Warm-ups Live delivers structured, sequential phonics instruction in an engaging, game-like format. Audio-supported phonics and word analysis lessons allow for individualization and enable students to work independently on the phonics skills they need to develop.
Read Live uses the Science of Reading to deliver measurable results for struggling and developing readers of all ages. Let's chat about how this program can help your students.
I love Read Live! In the past, I have utilized Read Live before school to support students during our COVID Learning Loss morning tutoring. I have also utilized Read Live during Mustang U (our school's RTI Time). Currently, I utilize Read Live in...
This diagnostic assessment identifies students’ strengths and instructional needs in phonics—decoding and encoding—and now includes a time-saving spelling assessment.
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