Intervention Programs

One Minute Reader® Books

Books with Audio

5 of 5 (1 review | add review)

  • Fluency

Additional Support:
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension

Skill Level: Grades 1-5
Intervention Range: Beginning Reader to Adult Learner

Do you know a student who wastes independent reading time because it isn’t fun? Do you wish you knew how much (or if) a student really read during independent reading? One Minute Reader books and CDs make independent reading fun with exciting, short passages and constant feedback that motivates students to read again and again. Be prepared for students who want to show off their progress graphs.

Order now and take advantage of our fantastic 75% off sale, while supplies last!

pointer See also: One Minute Reader Live

One Minute Reader provides...

  • Structured, independent reading for home or classroom use.
  • Motivating, informational text for reluctant readers.
  • Additional practice for students using Read Naturally Live or Read Naturally Encore.
  • Challenging reading material for young, advanced readers. 
  • Leveled books from early reader through fifth grade.


  • Expand knowledge base through reading nonfiction text.
  • Gain confidence by graphing results to monitor progress.
  • Utilize audio support to learn words and improve expression.
  • Experience success and an improved attitude toward reading.
  • Engage in self-directed learning.

One Minute Reader accelerates reading achievement by combining the research-proven components of the Read Naturally Strategy: teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. The reader works at his or her own pace in a full-color book. The reader works through the steps and masters each story by reading along with audio and then practicing the story until he or she can read it fluently and with comprehension. The reader tracks progress on a graph.

In a school-to-home One Minute Reader checkout program, students check out books and audio CDs and then write on separate record sheets instead of writing in the books themselves. This system allows schools to use the books multiple times. 

pointer Research basis for the Read Naturally Strategy

One Minute Reader Steps

One Minute Reader Steps
  1. Get Ready to Read
    The reader selects the story he or she wants to read and thinks about what he or she might learn from it. Choosing the story deepens the reader’s investment in the material, and thinking of a prediction prepares the reader’s mind for reading the story.
  2. Time Yourself Reading
    The reader times him- or herself as he or she reads the story and determines a words correct per minute score. This step establishes a baseline for progress monitoring, the component of the Read Naturally Strategy that motivates the reader to improve.
  3. Mark Your Cold Score in Blue
    The reader graphs the cold-timing score in blue. Marking the graph provides a visual of the baseline data.
  4. Read Along With the CD
    The reader reads along quietly with a recording of the story, typically three times. This step is the teacher-modeling component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the reader learn new words and master others as well as learn proper pronunciation, expression, and phrasing.
  5. Read Alone, and Raise Your Score
    The reader practices reading the story without audio support, typically three to ten times, until able to read it accurately and with expression. This step is the repeated-reading component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the reader improve fluency, master difficult words, and understand the story.
  6. Take the Quick Quiz
    The reader answers questions about the story. Responding to the text holds the reader accountable for meaning, develops the ability to answer many types of questions, and provides information about how well the reader comprehends the story. If the answers to all questions in a book are correct, the answers provide the solution for a Joke Jumble.
  7. Read for an Adult 
    The reader reads the story for an adult to show that he or she can read it accurately and with appropriate expression. The reader can also talk about what he or she learned from the story.
  8. Mark Your Hot Score in Red
    The reader graphs the hot-timing score in red above the cold-timing score (in blue), to show how much he or she has improved. 

One Minute Reader books are available at six levels of reading difficulty (see the Order tab for details). Each level consists of eight different books with five nonfiction stories per book. Each level is packaged in a bundle with additional resources for home or school checkout. The prices are per bundle.


Each bundle includes:
  • Eight different books of the same reading level.
  • One timer.
  • An instructional DVD.
  • A starter kit storage album (while supplies last).


Five high-interest, leveled nonfiction stories include:
  • Line-by-line word counts.
  • Bold-faced glossary words.
  • Comprehension activities. 
Glossary includes:
  • Student-friendly definitions.
  • Full-color illustrations.
  • Clarifying sentences.
Additional materials include:
  • Fun Facts.
  • Crossword.
  • Joke Jumble.
  • Student graph of progress.
  • Reward stickers.
Audio CD includes:
  • Instructions.
  • Three recordings of each of the five stories.
  • Recordings of the glossary word definitions.
  • Fun Facts.

Each book bundle includes:

  • Eight consumable books at a given level (each with five stories plus an audio CD)
  • Timer
  • Instructional DVD
  • Starter kit storage album (while supplies last; Level 1 storage album sold out)
SAVE 75% on One Minute Reader Print Materials: 
Specify Discount Code 75offOMR
Description Item Number Item Price, $ Quantity
Level E Book Bundle MRESKRS $199.00
Level 1 Book Bundle MR1SKRS $199.00
Level 2 Book Bundle MR2SKRS $199.00
Level 3 Book Bundle MR3SKRS $199.00
Level 4 Book Bundle MR4SKRS $199.00
Level 5 Book Bundle MR5SKRS $199.00

What Customers Say About One Minute Reader Books

"I love One Minute Reader. It is easy to use and I can see improvement in my students."
— Sara, Special Education Teacher, Louisville, KY

"One Minute Reader was purchased to send home with my students because it provides the practice that they so desperately need. Parent support is not always available to my students. One Minute Reader requires very little of the parents' time. The students love competing against themselves. The feedback from parents has been very positive."
— Joyce, Title 1 Teacher, Hummelstown, PA

Customer Reviews

Apr 7, 2014

Many of our struggling readers are not interested in reading but when they see a short passage about an interesting topic they see it as manageable. Since they read the passage several times they experience success as readers and actually understand what they are reading. For children who have only known frustration when it comes to reading it makes such a difference to finally experience success. We enjoy the ability to use the materials with many students and the ability to reuse the materials year after year. It makes our money go further and has helped in being approved for grants. Grants get approved when the materials can be used year after year. It fits well into our current LA program and provides the perfect amount of structure for our struggling readers. They are interested in the topics, find the short passages & topics appealing, and are motivated by tracking their progress. The video that came with the One Minute Reader was very helpful . Our teachers find this program easy to implement as well as motivating and rewarding for students.

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