Skill Level:Grades 1‒8 Intervention Range:Beginning Reader to Adult Learner
Deliver results for striving readers of all ages with evidence-based intervention solutions on a web-based platform. Read Live provides complete access to Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, One Minute Reader Live, and Read Naturally Live—Español in a simple and effective format. Build fluency, develop phonics skills, and improve vocabulary and comprehension with a structured process featuring nonfiction passages and an engaging scoring system.
Work mostly independently with extensive audio support.
Experience gains quickly and develop confidence as learners.
Take ownership of their success and are accountable for their work.
Build fluency, strengthen comprehension, expand vocabulary with Read Naturally Live.
Develop mastery and automaticity in phonics and decoding with Word Warm-ups Live.
Supplement their development of literacy skills independently with One Minute Reader Live.
Develop the Spanish literacy skills of native Spanish speakers with Read Naturally Live—Español.
Read Live...
Enables easy differentiation for students of all ages and instructional levels.
Delivers extensive reports with actionable data for making instructional decisions.
Includes a motivating scoring system.
Provides built-in progress monitoring without additional testing.
Features interesting informational text for nonfiction reading opportunities.
Students begin with a placement process and are assigned an appropriate level and goal in Read Naturally Live. Students needing additional phonics support can also be assigned specific exercises in Word Warm-ups Live to build mastery and automaticity in phonics and decoding. One Minute Reader Live supplements the development of literacy skills through guided, independent reading. In Read Naturally Live—Español, native Spanish speakers work with Spanish texts to develop Spanish literacy skills.
Read Live subscriptions include complete access to Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, One Minute Reader Live, and Read Naturally Live—Español.
Read Naturally Live offers 23 levels of three series. All series have the same basic design with strategic differences.
Sequenced series is the basic series and has 13 levels (1.0 – 8.0) with 24 stories per level.
Phonics series adds phonics lessons and activities to the basic design and has 6 levels (0.8 – 2.7) with 24 stories per level.
Idioms series teaches common American idioms as students work on reading skills. Idioms has 4 levels (3.0 – 4.5) with 12 stories per level.
Word Warm-ups Live provides three levels. Level 1 provides practice in beginning letter sounds and detailed lessons on decoding one-syllable words across 69 exercises in nine sections. Level 2 teaches decoding skills using two-syllable words across 68 exercises in eight sections. Level 3 teaches multi-syllabic words across 48 exercises in seven sections.
One Minute Reader Live provides six levels—early first-grade through middle fifth-grade. Each level includes six books with five nonfiction stories organized around a specific theme.
I am a Title 1 reading teacher. I have used the Read Live program with my students for several years. It is a great program that allows us to meet the needs of the students (different levels, increase goals etc.) I have seen growth in the student's fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. They really enjoy choosing the stories and learning new things. Reply
Sandra OwensMar 12, 2025
I am excited to use Read Naturally. I participated in a one-on-one Personalized Read Live Setup Meeting that was extremely helpful in getting students set up and reviewing the program's components. Reply
Kelly MoffittMar 12, 2025
This is the best reading program I have ever used! My students are being successful and showing gains as well as shortening their gaps. They love it and are excited when they see how successful they can be with the program. Thank you and we will keep using it from here on out. This is my first year using this program and I instantly fell in love with it. Keep it up! Reply
LaurieMar 12, 2025
Read Live has really helped my students with their reading fluency and comprehension skills. They love using the program and it has helped them build confidence. I love that the students can work independently in the One-minute reader and how the programs can be individualized to meet each child's specific learning needs.
I've been using RNL for 5 years and received amazing results for my students. Looking forward to many more years to come. Reply
Michelle FMar 12, 2025
Best program I have used! I have worked in reading intervention for 17 years. Over the years we have seen many programs come and go but this has stayed with our school the whole time. We have been using it clear back when it was on cds only. We love it even better now that it’s on the computer. And I should say the students do also. We find the ease of being able to track a students progress and easily print out reports to be an added bonus. The students that we have helped through the years is tremendous. Thank you Read Naturally!! Reply
Jeff BrummettMar 11, 2025
I have used Read Naturally Live for Special Education Reading for over five years. It has been beneficial for multi grade levels and a diverse set of reading abilities. Students show progress over the years they use it. I even pass on their logins and have parents use it with the students at home. Students show progress, in Vocabulary, comprehension and fluency skills. I enjoy that it is individualized for the student for their IEPs to track their growth.
Our students use Read Live as part of our intervention program. The program is engaging and increases fluency skills. Reply
Joan HonorMar 11, 2025
I am new to the Read Live program, and I must say, I never anticipated that such a program existed. It has been incredibly helpful in assisting our readers in developing the fluency they need. The stories available are engaging and offer a wealth of learning opportunities. Witnessing my students make progress in their reading journey is truly priceless. This program has proven to be an invaluable resource for both educators and students alike.
Michele Calvin has provided our school with exceptional support! My initial set-up meeting could have been extremely complicated since we were attempting to merge numerous trial accounts into one site license account. She gave me the answers I needed and also gave my information to others that could help with additional tech. support. I explained what my ideal training would look like for our school and she went out of her way to deliver it. We just completed her training today, and I have heard numerous comments about how valuable it was. Not only did she give our staff clear practical information on how to use Read Naturally with fidelity, she was also able to answer our specific questions. The staff feels motivated, confident and has the resources/contact information they need to be successful. Thank you Michele!
We use Read Live with my second grade students. I love the confidence my students gain while using this program! Not only their confidence but their vocabulary is stronger. The kids enjoy going and the miss when they can't be there. I am always being asked, "When is Read Live?". I really believe that Read Live is a key piece in helping out kiddos become stronger, confident and more fluent readers! Reply
EmilyMar 11, 2025
Read Live has helped my students in intervention gain not only phonics and fluency skills but independent and self-advocacy skills as well! Working through the sections they can do on their own has given them a sense of pride in their abilities. When it is time for the teacher to join, once shy students are confident to raise their hands and say they are ready to pass a story. It has been amazing to see their reading and behavior skills soar with Read Live! Reply
Amy BrandrietMar 11, 2025
My students in 2nd-5th grade have improved their fluency tremendously since starting Read Naturally Live. I love the vibe in the learning lab when everyone is working hard and making progress! Thank you for providing a duplicatable tool that has been very easy to teach paraprofessional staff how to implement as well. Reply
Christie PotterMar 11, 2025
Read Naturally is a great program. I love the high interest stories, the repetition, the data, and the growth I see in my students. I have used it for 8 years and continue to think it is one of the most powerful tools in our program. One thing I would like to see change would be the ability to speed up the read aloud for my more fluent students. Sometimes it feels slow and robotic through the read aloud portion, and can lose the attention of some students. Reply
Customer Service Mar 13, 2025
Thank you for using Read Live! The number and speed of required read alongs can be adjusted in Story Options. Please click here for instructions on how to do so, and feel free to reach out to our Tch Support Team with any questions!
Johnnie M ThompsonMar 11, 2025
I am a Intervention teacher for a K - 5 public school. I currently use Read Naturally Live with my 4th and 5th graders. I love the program because it develops vocabulary, fluency and comprehension all in 1 very well though out program. I have been teaching for 31 years and I have used the Read Naturally paper format for many years. I am so glad that this Live program has been developed to better develop my readers that are facing reading challlenges, Reply
Tracy JoostMar 11, 2025
Read Naturally Live has been an amazing program for all our Elementary School students. The program is engaging for all students. The students love picking the passage that they will read. Each passage allows them to practice fluency, learn vocabulary words, answer comprehension questions, and write a summary of what they have read. We are able to collect thorough data for each student and love seeing their growth. Thank you Read Naturally Live for an amazing program! Reply
Caroline AlexanderMar 11, 2025
I have used Read Naturally for the past 20 years and have loved the development of the online program! The program incorporates the components of the teaching of reading from phonemic awareness to Inferential Comprehension. It is most effective when the teacher and student are really working together with intent. The visual graphing needs to be looked at together and discussed to help with motivation and with rigor even written expression skills can be taught and assessed, I can differentiate and individualize the program for any skill level as is essential for any Special Education teacher. The data available is so useful for data-driven intervention planning. The stories are varied and of generally high interest which is also greatly appreciated! Well done over all these years, Read Naturally!
Read Naturally Live is a great program. My students are very engaged and enjoy reading the stories. They have even gone on to read more about a topic on their own. Students love seeing their fluency graphs go up as they increase their speed with each reading. They love setting goals and then reaching them. The comprehension component is terrific as well. Students get immediate feedback and the opportunity to try again. They also receive immediate coaching from me. Reply
Leigh-Anna SiroisMar 11, 2025
Read Live Naturally is such a great program for helping students improve their reading skills! It’s easy to use and keeps kids engaged with interesting stories and fun activities. I love how it helps build their confidence by giving them practice with fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. The progress tracking feature makes it easy to see how much each student is improving, which is so rewarding. Since using this program, I’ve noticed a big difference in my students' reading abilities — it’s definitely a game-changer! Reply
Kelli JensenMar 11, 2025
Read Live has been the perfect tool to differentiate reading! Each student is working, practicing and mastering skills at their level. The non-fiction stories are high interest and keep students engaged. In the higher level stories, students practice retelling the stories by typing and using their summarizing skills. Each level also introduces vocabulary that is useful and grade level appropriate. I love working through stories with students in Read Live! Reply