- Build fluency in Spanish by reading short, nonfiction passages.
- Increase accuracy and expression with full audio support in Spanish.
- Strengthen comprehension and vocabulary in Spanish.
- Work independently most of the time.
- Experience success and an improved attitude toward reading.
Read Naturally Live—Español provides...
- An interactive reading program for learning to read in Spanish.
- Support and structured practice appropriate for both native Spanish or native English speakers.
- Options to easily differentiate instruction for individual student needs.
- Opportunities for teachers to work with students one-on-one.
- Motivating informational texts.
- English translations for all stories.
Read Naturally Live—Español is a Spanish version of Read Naturally Live that accelerates reading achievement by combining the research-proven strategies of teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. A student works at his or her own pace in an appropriate level of material. Text and audio (completely in Spanish) guide the student through the steps. The student masters a story by reading along with audio and then practicing the story until he or she can read it fluently and with comprehension. The program automatically tracks student progress.
Research basis for the Read Naturally Strategy
Read Naturally Live—Español Rationale and Research
Read Naturally Live Steps
- Select a Story (Seleccione una Lectura)
The student clicks on the story he or she wants to read. Choosing the story deepens the student’s investment in the material. - Key Words (Palabras Claves)
The student reads the key words and their definitions while listening to an audio recording. The key words provide definitions that are important to understanding the story. - Prediction (Predicción)
The student uses the title, picture, and key words to write a prediction of what he or she thinks the story is about. The prediction prepares the student’s mind for reading the story. - Cold Timing (Primer Intento)
The teacher may time the student for one minute as he or she reads the story, or the student may complete this step independently. The student clicks unknown words while reading, and then clicks the last word read during the timing. Read Naturally Live subtracts the unknown words from the total number of words attempted to obtain a cold-timing score and displays the score on a graph. This step establishes a baseline for progress monitoring, the component of the Read Naturally Strategy that motivates the student to improve. - Read Along (Leer Juntos)
The student reads along quietly with a recording of the story, typically three times. This step is the teacher-modeling component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student learn new words and master others as well as learn proper pronunciation, expression, and phrasing. - Practice (Práctica)
The student practices reading the story without audio support three to ten times until able to read it accurately, with expression, and at the goal rate. This step is the repeated-reading component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student improve fluency, master difficult words, and understand the story. - Quiz (Prueba)
The student answers questions about the story. Responding to the text holds the student accountable for meaning, develops the ability to answer many types of questions, and provides teachers with information about how well the student comprehends the story. - Retell (Volver a Contar)
The student retells or summarizes the story to improve comprehension. - Pass (Aprobar)
The student reads the story for the teacher to show that he or she can read it at the goal rate, with appropriate expression, and with three or fewer errors. The teacher corrects the comprehension questions and the retelling of the story (if applicable) and reviews the results with the student.
Additional graphs show results for the comprehension questions, and the retelling (if applicable).
Read Naturally Live—Español is a component of Read Live, a subscription program that is licensed per student. Teachers can reassign licenses if students leave the program. Read Live subscriptions include access to ten levels of Read Naturally Live—Español (1.0–5.6) with 24 stories per level.
The student works through the level in the student program, and the teacher manages the student's progress in the teacher program.
High interest, leveled, nonfiction stories include:
- Key words, clickable vocabulary words, and comprehension activities.
- English translation of each story (text and audio)
Extensive audio support includes:
- Spanish audio directions for each step of the process.
- Three appropriately paced recordings that model correct pronunciation and expression in Spanish.
- Spanish pronunciation of words in stories when clicked.
- Audio definitions of key words in Spanish.
- Clickable Spanish vocabulary words with audio-supported, student-friendly definitions.
- An English translation of each story (text and audio).
- Auditory signals that indicate if a student's responses to multiple choice items are correct or incorrect.
Structured instructional process includes:
- Automated steps built around teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring.
- A wait-time activity that builds Spanish vocabulary.
Computerized scoring and extensive reports include:
- Automated correction of multiple-choice questions.
- Calculation of fluency and comprehension scores.
- Graphs and reports showing student performance.
Account set up for district, building, classroom, staff, and/or students includes:
- Enrolling staff and students.
- Licensing students.
- Support for single sign-on tools from ClassLink and Google Classroom.
Management of student programs includes:
- Easily customized options for individual students and extensive student reports.
- Printable stories, reports, parent letters, awards, and completion certificates.
Online supports include:
- Step-by-step instruction for working in the software.
- "How to" section on setting up Read Naturally Live—Español.
- A lesson plan for introducing the program to students.
- Training videos that explain how to set up the software and work with students in the program.
To help you implement Read Live successfully, Read Naturally provides free web resources and tech support.
Learn more about Read Naturally's online resources and tech support
Read Naturally Live—Español is an integrated component of the Read Live platform.
Read Naturally Live—Español is an integrated component of the Read Live platform. All Read Live licenses enable full access to the Read Naturally Live—Español curriculum as well as access to the Read Naturally Live curriculum, One Minute Reader Live curriculum, and Word Warm-ups Live curriculum.
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Customer Reviews
Beth Willis Mar 11, 2025
Read Live is a wonderful program that helps with teaching struggling readers. This resource has been a great addition to our school and I can only believe that it's going to get more students on grade level!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Reply Darla Mar 11, 2025
Read Live is a fantastic program for increasing vocabulary, summarizing, and especially reading fluency. The stories are interesting and the variety of tasks keep the students engaged. My school has used Read Live for many years going back to the paper days. I often use One Minute Reader for students that need to read in the study hall. Reply Karen D. Mar 11, 2025
I have used this program for years, starting with the paper stories and the CDs. So many plusses for my kiddos, and so easy to use. This year I have Covid shut down's first graders as 6th graders, and there are so many holes. I really see them filling in and fluency improving. Reply Amanda Schulte Mar 11, 2025
I use Read Live in a middle school special education classroom. I love this program for building comprehension and fluency skills. This program is perfect for getting students materials at their instructional level. It helps build their reading independence while keeping them engaged. We use this program everyday! Reply Christy Malone Mar 11, 2025
If you love Read Naturally, Read Naturally Live is that and so much more! This year is my 8th year using this online fluency, phonics and comprehension program as a part of my learning support program. I've used it when I worked at a private school and now in public school. I like to use it with 2nd graders up through high school. The best part is when the students get excited to see their own progress. Also, when I meet with parents they often report their kids reading more and more fluently when at home! That is the best news to me! Reply Lisa Mar 11, 2025
We have used Read Live for a few years now. The students love it, stories are engaging and the growth we all see is phenomenal. Reply Sarah Preston Mar 11, 2025
Read Naturally Live is a fast and effective way to increase fluency and comprehension. The leveled activities is a great way in engage and challenge each student. The teacher reports are very helpful. Reply D Alexander-Tapper Mar 11, 2025
Read Naturally Live has been created a way for me to support students in an intervention setting who are multiple levels. I have some students working at the Phonics level and others at the fifth grade level. Students are learning that practice is essential and that they can measure their own growth. Some students enjoy being competitive with each other to see who is able to beat their own goal, while others are happy to simply challenge themselves. The stories are always informative and there are enticing topics that most students enjoy. Students are learning to distinguish between main idea and details, and to use text evidence on every story. I love it! Reply Tsvetana D Mawicke Mar 11, 2025
I work as a special educator with 5th and 6th-grade students. ReadLive is the reading and writing comprehension I use with them. I have been using ReadLive for the last 3 years, and I am pleased with my students' progress. ReadLive is super beneficial and helps my students increase their fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing skills, and background knowledge. This intervention is evidence-based, and I use it weekly for at least two sessions. The free resources are endless, and I use many of them as well. Thank you for creating this powerful tool for us educators! Reply Katie Evleand Mar 11, 2025
I have worked in a District that has used Read Naturally for over a decade. We made the transition years ago from the paper Read Naturally kits to ReadLive on iPads and Chromebooks. This intervention program continues to improve and grow to meet the needs of all readers and reading levels. As a Title 1 Reading Teacher, we require the use of evidence-based programs to support our diverse population. I highly recommend this program for phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension! Reply Debra Gardiner Mar 11, 2025
I have been using ReadLIve with my students for as long as I can remember (I have been teaching for 20+ years). I teach special education and I've taught all grades from kindergarten through 8th grade. ReadLive has been a valuable resource for my classroom. We use it almost daily and I've seen my students progress in their reading because of ReadLIve. Reply Nicole R. Mar 11, 2025
I'm grateful to have Read Live as a part of my classroom resources. The stories are engaging, and the features encourage independence and build skills such as vocabulary and comprehension along with fluency. I love that students always have something to work on, even while they are waiting for me to review their work --- it makes for an efficient activity and class structure. The student reports show excellent data that help inform progress reports! Reply Julie M Mar 11, 2025
I love Read Naturally Live. As a special education resource teacher I used the original paper version. Now I'm using it as a reading interventionist. I love that my students have choice within the program and freedom to work at their own pace. For those students who are naturally quiet, Read Live gives me ample opportunity to meet with them one-on-one. The program provides my student practice in all areas of reading: vocabulary development, fluency modeling/practice and comprehension. Additionally, the Read Live team is so responsive. During the pandemic when other publishers were moving slowly, the Read Live team was proactively making the program easy for us to use. You are always thinking ahead-- constantly improving, adding new features, enhancing the student experience. The more I use the program, the happier I am. Thank you! Reply Sheila Felletter Mar 11, 2025
I use the Read Live program with both 5th graders and 1st graders during my day. It is easy to use, both by myself and the students. I like the challenges it brings each student on their own level. They get excited when they pass, and I reward them with "Falcon Bucks" , a reward system in our school Reply Karla Wiedeman Mar 11, 2025
I love the Read Live program! I have used it as a reading intervention program for several years with very good results. I love that there are so many levels that allow for differentiated learning and also consistency from year to year. I also love that the program includes phonics, fluency and reading comprehension skills. This program is great for collecting data and documenting progress. Reply Ali Daniels Mar 11, 2025
I have used Read Live for a couple of years and I am always amazing with my kids progress building fluency. My student, as well as myself, enjoys the stories. I love that my students ask to use this program when they are given a choice of work. Reply Heather Warner Mar 11, 2025
I love Read Live! In the past, I have utilized Read Live before school to support students during our COVID Learning Loss morning tutoring. I have also utilized Read Live during Mustang U (our school's RTI Time). Currently, I utilize Read Live in my roles as Instructional Coach, Intervention Teacher, and SST Coordinator. The components of Read Live seamlessly work together to support the Science of Reading, as well as strategies to improve reading, comprehension, and writing for all students. Our Special Education/SAI Department incorporates Read Live into their SAI Sessions with students to assist students in strengthening their current reading abilities and work towards their IEP Goals. In my Intervention Classes, I have seen many students gain great ground (grade levels) in Reading and no long have the need to attend Intervention. The Read Live Data that I gather is helpful in writing SSTs and tracking student progress. I find Read Live to be an invaluable component of many areas of instruction at our school. Thank you!
Reply Kimberly Ward Mar 11, 2025
I LOVE READ LIVE! MY STUDENTS LOVE READ LIVE! I wish I could utilize this in my high school resource setting.
In the grades TK-6 Resource, my students showed so much growth! In most cases, my caseload of 45 students gained 2 YEARS levels of Reading Comprehension and Fluency! My students could not have accomplished this without READ LIVE! The kids LOVE to be able to CHOOSE the story of their interest. VOICE and CHOICE is so important for student's buy-in. READ LIVE offers this students! It creates even more of a buy-in. At the end of the year, I have students who LOVE to read, unlike when they first came to me and were previously unexposed. Thank you SO MUCH for Read Live! Please don't ever stop with your updates, professional development, webinars and online support, too. READ LIVE works for ALL of us!! Teachers also gain knowledge of the Science of Reading and engaging interactive communication with students throughout their journey of Reading!! (I've been teaching for 25 years, and utilizing Read LIVE successfully for 6 years!!) Reply Shana Mar 11, 2025
This year, the ESOL team at my school decided to use this program as a way to teach students new vocabulary, reading skills and comprehension to ELLs and it worked so amazing. Each story is non-fiction so they can be used interchangeably with kids in both younger and older grades. This helped us to work together as a team to help students to grow in their understanding of vocabulary across all grade levels. I also love that the stories are printable so that in small groups we can really highlight through stories and simultaneously work with students on searching for text-based evidence. Our students vocabulary, reading fluency and skills, as well as comprehension skills have grown so much this year with the help of this program! I look forward to using it in the years to come with students. Reply Melissa Mar 11, 2025
Read Naturally is such a wonderful reading program. I have been using Read Naturally in my classroom for several years now. The growth that we see in our students is incredible! Our students enjoy and look forward to completing new stories with Read Naturally. This program is a win for teachers and students. In our classroom, we have used the hard copies and compact discs for years and this year, we began utilizing your online Read Naturally and it has been a game changer for everyone. We are extremely happy with your program and would like to thank you. Reply