Intervention Programs

Read Naturally® Live—Español

Component of Read Live

5 of 5 (370 reviews | add review)

  • Fluency

Additional Support:
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension

Skill Level: Grades 1‒5
Intervention Range: Beginning Reader to Adult Learner

This Spanish language version of Read Naturally Live develops the literacy skills of multilingual readers. Read Naturally Live—Español utilizes the highly effective, research-based Read Naturally Strategy on a web-based platform. This mostly independent reading program supports native Spanish speakers to develop their Spanish reading fluency while developing general reading skills with Spanish texts. The program may be used with Spanish-speaking students before or while a student learns to read in English. The program also helps native English speakers or others to learn to read Spanish text fluently as an additional language.

Read Live A Component of Read Live

  • Build fluency in Spanish by reading short, nonfiction passages.
  • Increase accuracy and expression with full audio support in Spanish.
  • Strengthen comprehension and vocabulary in Spanish.
  • Work independently most of the time.
  • Experience success and an improved attitude toward reading.
Read Naturally Live—Español provides...
  • An interactive reading program for learning to read in Spanish.
  • Support and structured practice appropriate for both native Spanish or native English speakers.
  • Options to easily differentiate instruction for individual student needs.
  • Opportunities for teachers to work with students one-on-one.
  • Motivating informational texts.
  • English translations for all stories.

Read Naturally Live—Español is a Spanish version of Read Naturally Live that accelerates reading achievement by combining the research-proven strategies of teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. A student works at his or her own pace in an appropriate level of material. Text and audio (completely in Spanish) guide the student through the steps. The student masters a story by reading along with audio and then practicing the story until he or she can read it fluently and with comprehension. The program automatically tracks student progress.

pointerResearch basis for the Read Naturally Strategy
pointerRead Naturally Live—Español Rationale and Research

Read Naturally Live Steps​Read Naturally Live Steps
  1. Select a Story (Seleccione una Lectura)
    The student clicks on the story he or she wants to read. Choosing the story deepens the student’s investment in the material.
  2. Key Words (Palabras Claves)
    The student reads the key words and their definitions while listening to an audio recording. The key words provide definitions that are important to understanding the story.
  3. Prediction (Predicción)
    The student uses the title, picture, and key words to write a prediction of what he or she thinks the story is about. The prediction prepares the student’s mind for reading the story.
  4.  Cold Timing (Primer Intento)
    The teacher may time the student for one minute as he or she reads the story, or the student may complete this step independently. The student clicks unknown words while reading, and then clicks the last word read during the timing. Read Naturally Live subtracts the unknown words from the total number of words attempted to obtain a cold-timing score and displays the score on a graph. This step establishes a baseline for progress monitoring, the component of the Read Naturally Strategy that motivates the student to improve.
  5. Read Along (Leer Juntos)
    The student reads along quietly with a recording of the story, typically three times. This step is the teacher-modeling component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student learn new words and master others as well as learn proper pronunciation, expression, and phrasing.
  6. Practice (Práctica)
    The student practices reading the story without audio support three to ten times until able to read it accurately, with expression, and at the goal rate. This step is the repeated-reading component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student improve fluency, master difficult words, and understand the story.
  7. Quiz (Prueba)
    The student answers questions about the story. Responding to the text holds the student accountable for meaning, develops the ability to answer many types of questions, and provides teachers with information about how well the student comprehends the story.
  8. Retell (Volver a Contar)
    The student retells or summarizes the story to improve comprehension.
  9. Pass (Aprobar)
    The student reads the story for the teacher to show that he or she can read it at the goal rate, with appropriate expression, and with three or fewer errors. The teacher corrects the comprehension questions and the retelling of the story (if applicable) and reviews the results with the student.

Additional graphs show results for the comprehension questions, and the retelling (if applicable).

Read Naturally Live—Español is a component of Read Live, a subscription program that is licensed per student. Teachers can reassign licenses if students leave the program. Read Live subscriptions include access to ten levels of Read Naturally Live—Español (1.0–5.6) with 24 stories per level.

The student works through the level in the student program, and the teacher manages the student's progress in the teacher program.


High interest, leveled, nonfiction stories include:
  • Key words, clickable vocabulary words, and comprehension activities.
  • English translation of each story (text and audio)
Extensive audio support includes:
  • Spanish audio directions for each step of the process.
  • Three appropriately paced recordings that model correct pronunciation and expression in Spanish.
  • Spanish pronunciation of words in stories when clicked.
  • Audio definitions of key words in Spanish.
  • Clickable Spanish vocabulary words with audio-supported, student-friendly definitions.
  • An English translation of each story (text and audio).
  • Auditory signals that indicate if a student's responses to multiple choice items are correct or incorrect.
Structured instructional process includes:
  • Automated steps built around teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring.
  • A wait-time activity that builds Spanish vocabulary.
Computerized scoring and extensive reports include:
  • Automated correction of multiple-choice questions.
  • Calculation of fluency and comprehension scores.
  • Graphs and reports showing student performance.


Account set up for district, building, classroom, staff, and/or students includes:
  • Enrolling staff and students.
  • Licensing students.
  • Support for single sign-on tools from ClassLink and Google Classroom.
Management of student programs includes:
  • Easily customized options for individual students and extensive student reports.
  • Printable stories, reports, parent letters, awards, and completion certificates.
Online supports include:
  • Step-by-step instruction for working in the software.
  • "How to" section on setting up Read Naturally Live—Español.
  • A lesson plan for introducing the program to students.
  • Training videos that explain how to set up the software and work with students in the program.


To help you implement Read Live successfully, Read Naturally provides free web resources and tech support.
pointer Learn more about Read Naturally's online resources and tech support

Read Naturally Live—Español is an integrated component of the Read Live platform.

Read Naturally Live—Español is an integrated component of the Read Live platform. All Read Live licenses enable full access to the Read Naturally Live—Español curriculum as well as access to the Read Naturally Live curriculum, One Minute Reader Live curriculum, and Word Warm-ups Live curriculum.

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Customer Reviews

Mar 1, 2024


I teach 7th and 8th grade students who are reluctant readers and have difficulty with grade-level materials. They are using ReadLive passages at their level as a supplement to a structured literacy program, and are making great progress. The stories are high interest non-fiction, so not only are they expanding their knowledge base and becoming smarter, but they are also enjoying themselves. Their fluency has improved so much with the focus on reading in phrases and repeated practice. I almost cried when one of the 'cool' kids told another student, "just do it, it works!" The visuaI graph for cold/hot reading scores gives them immediate feedback as well, always a plus and great to use for data collection to report to parents and teachers. I am so proud of my students and love the program!


Feb 29, 2024


I used to teach kindergarten and loved the informational passages for my early readers. Now in 3rd grade dual I have loved having access to passages in both languages I teach. This program helps my students stay engaged in reading while I work with small groups. There are so many great things I could say about this program.


Feb 29, 2024


Read Live is the program that allows me to continue to provide remedial reading services to a variety of students simultaneously. I am able to have a group of 8-10 students on level 0.8- 3.5 within the same timeframe. Since the blueprint for most stories & questions are similar, students are not embarrassed of their level. Students are thrilled when they complete a story and are able to choose another. The visual for CWPM is also exiting when students meet or exceed their goal. It is interesting to see students choose a story that is in line with core curriculum topics. The crossword puzzles also provide an additional level of vocabulary for students.


Feb 29, 2024


I am a special education teacher and I have used Read Live/Read Naturally for 15 years. It is a wonderful program. I have used it with middleschoolers and high schoolers. I currently teach 6-8. I love that I can circulate and work with 6 kids, on 6 different story topics and levels, on several different skills during the same time period. In my students with autism I've seen them developing the ability to infer from the surrounding passage. In my lowest level readers, I've seen fluency increase. All my students can create a five sentence paragraph story retell and I am seeing those writing skills carry over to their general education classes. In the past two years, we have gotten an influx 6th graders reading at the primer and 1st grade levels, and I would love to try Gate with these students.


Feb 28, 2024


Read live is easy to use and builds students reading fluency, comprehension, and writing skills. The lessons are interesting and keeps students engaged. The immediate feedback helps you progress monitor continually .


Feb 28, 2024


I have used many different reading programs over the years in teaching both general and special education. I find that Read Naturally Live online is amazing in both student engagement but also for great data records. The students like the interesting facts they learn about and it gives me the opportunity to increase rigor by requiring full sentence responses, complete paragraph summaries and high points vocabulary practice. Then there is the added bonus of a colorful visual progress set of data for the students to see and find motivation from. The questions are useful for identifying types of comprehension issues which I can use for informing IEP development.


Feb 28, 2024


Our school has been using Read Naturally for 20 years! It's a vital intervention piece of our Title Program.
The students really enjoy seeing their reading progress and it motivates them to challenge themselves.
The stories are interesting and engaging which helps with reading success!


Feb 28, 2024

This is the best program I have used!! I would recomend this to other teachers!

Feb 27, 2024

ReadLive is not only wonderful because of it's content, but also it's structure. It allows my readers to complete a specific amount each day and see results. It graphs their progress, so they can celebrate their gains. With only 3 weeks of trial thus far, we have been most impressed. Thank you ReadLive!!

Feb 27, 2024

Read Naturally has been great for our middle school students. Their confidence is building, and so are their test scores.

Feb 27, 2024

"Read Naturally" is a great program. I use it with my students in grade 5. There are amazing stories to read with different academic level.

Feb 27, 2024

Read Naturally is a wonderful fit for our school. This well-rounded program is easy for teachers, assistants, and students to use. It gives excellent phonics and fluency practice while also touching on vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. The stories are interesting, and the students often enjoy sharing intriguing facts with their friends and teachers. I love that it can grow with students as they move from grade to grade and have different literacy needs.

Feb 27, 2024

I like the repeated reading aspect of RL and I like the activities that kids can be working on when they are waiting for a teacher. I think setting up kids or rostering kids could be a little bit easier.

Feb 27, 2024

I have used Read Naturally for years and my students LOVE IT! The topics can be extended to reach any intellectual level, despite the student's reading level. I have even used this with a student that was gifted/ dyslexic and he had huge improvements in fluency and comprehension. I usually extend the lessons using videos and letting the kids pick a writing activity that can go with the topic they have read about. I do both the paper and online versions. The online version makes it so quick and easy to track progress and the kids are really motivated by seeing their graph increase. I recommend this to any teacher, Special Education or general classroom.


Feb 27, 2024


Read Naturally has helped even our most reluctant readers gain confidence, fluency, and comprehension skills. We use it as part of our Reading Intervention program, and have seen amazing results. We love Read Naturally!


Feb 27, 2024

I love Read Naturally Live. I used the old format for years with my special education students and saw so much progress. The stores are high interest and informative. Using the Web based format is so easy and the reports are easy to access.

Feb 27, 2024

I am special education teacher in a moderate/severe class. The majority of my students struggle with reading. Since starting the use of Read Live, I have seen a dramatic increase in my students overall reading fluency and use of phonics. The ability to track and record data on Read Live is valuable as it helps to provide goal data and leads toward new goals.

Feb 27, 2024


I am a grade 5/6 Special Education Teacher. I have been using Read Naturally for 6 years. I love the programs!! This year I am using both Read Live and Word Warm-ups with my students. I have 1 group using Read Live for fluency and comprehension focus, while another group is working at the decoding level, using Word Warm-Ups for independent practice. The students not only love using the programs for their reading, but they love being able to see their progress. It makes them very excited to continue improving their reading.


Feb 27, 2024


I am using Read Naturally as an intervention with 3rd and 5th grade students. Read Naturally Live with the phonics component added is a great way to get students to work on comprehension, fluency, and phonics. Students like getting to choose the stories too.


Feb 27, 2024


Read Live has been an asset to my classroom in supporting my students to reach their fluency goals! Students enjoy tracking their data and reaching their goals! They receive immediate and specific feedback!


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