Read Live Online Courses

Welcome to Read Naturally Online Courses for Teachers

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Read Naturally’s Online Courses for Teachers are interactive, self-paced professional development courses for educators. Designed for individual or group use, our Online Courses connect course materials to real-world practice in Read Naturally programs. 

How you can use Online Courses:
Teachers use Online Courses to learn independently through a self-paced format that helps you improve your classroom practice, advance your professional development, and earn continuing education credit.

Online Courses provide easy and free learning opportunities, delivered through online learning modules designed to: 

  • Introduce you to concepts designed by Read Naturally program developers.
  • Engage you in a blend of media-rich learning activities.
  • Let you access additional reading materials to expand your knowledge.
  • Allow you to revisit content and video as often as you like.
  • Assess your understanding of the content through interactive checks for acquired skills and knowledge.

Courses Reviews

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 15, 2021

Linda Sauceda
Easy to follow along with and the downloads provide extra support to write notes on.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 12, 2021

Hilary Dominguez
Good not too long but effective.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 11, 2021

Diane Viggiano
It's an exciting program. I'm working remotely at the time, and don't know that I could begin it as a distance program.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 9, 2021

Harinderjit Mann
It was very informative, I have gotten more experienced in Read Naturally Live.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 4, 2021

Gretchen Hardy
This course will help me to support our students' reading intervention needs. The material covered was comprehensive and very detailed with steps needed to build reading fluency.

Word Warm-Ups Live Online Course Feb 24, 2021

Maria Flasher
I really enjoy how detailed the information in these modular are and am very much looking forward to the hands on portion of this training.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Feb 24, 2021

Maria Flasher
Wish it was more hands on but very glad that I was able to have this training in order to grasp a deeper understanding of its benefits and how to assist those who need it.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Feb 21, 2021

Jeannette Bernauer
The course was informative, straightforward and easy to follow with both written and video components.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Feb 18, 2021

Lyndie Feldscher
great step by step explanations.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Feb 15, 2021

Stacey Beck
Informative training to help learners be better readers.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Feb 11, 2021

Julia Valdez
Easy to follow!

Word Warm-Ups Live Online Course Feb 9, 2021

Akia Moore
The videos were a HUGE help with learning the information. Thank you!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Feb 2, 2021

I loved the links at the end of each chapter! Thank you.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 29, 2021

Erin Duffey
Very imformative.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 27, 2021

Libby Cool
This course provided a lot of information to teachers, but much of the information was not useful to paraeducators who are not in charge of determining reading levels of students, setting up individual student's program, or reviewing students scores for progress monitoring.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 18, 2021

Angelina Friedrich
The videos were very helpful in understanding the concepts and process of RNL.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 14, 2021

Jacqueline Smith
Very informative. Just what was needed.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 14, 2021

Jessica Grant
Good pacing, good screen support, good reference handouts. The little quizzes are a helpful check. I have used RN before (paper/pencil version) and so was able to skip some of the lessons; the quizzes confirmed I already had mastery of those areas.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 8, 2021

Lisa Michelle Black
This course was very thorough. I enjoyed seeing the videos and seeing the program in action.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jan 8, 2021

Cynthia Dianne Jarmack
Great course!

Courses Reviews


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