Over the past couple years, our blog has featured several posts on the ways Read Naturally programs align with the CCSS. In case you missed them, here are the highlights...
Read more What happens to a third-grade student who fails a standardized reading test in the spring? In some states, that student may be required to repeat the third grade. Fourteen states enacted policies in 2012 that either require or strongly recommend that schools hold back third-grade students who fail standardized reading tests. How do such policies impact our students and schools?
Read more I’m in book club with a group of friends. When the book club began, everyone was eager to read again. “I haven’t read an actual book in so long!” many of the members confessed. So we got together and had rich discussions about wonderful books… for a few months. Then we started discussing TED Talks. Now we mostly just get together and chat. I’ve done a little investigating and have come to realize that this trajectory is strikingly common among book clubs. Why don’t we read books anymore?
Read more In the next two weeks, five major education conferences will take place in cities across the country. Read Naturally will be presenting and/or exhibiting at all five events. If you’re attending one of these shows, please stop at our booth and visit with us.
Read more This week, young readers from coast to coast will unite in celebrating the longest-running literacy initiative in the nation: Children’s Book Week. For the first time ever, official events are being held in all 50 states! In addition, classrooms, libraries, and booksellers across the nation will commemorate this important literary holiday with readings and activities.
Read more To the inspiring educators who make our students' futures brighter: Thank you for everything you do! We hope you get the opportunity to celebrate this week. You deserve it!
Read more How do we teach students to comprehend what they read? Educators have explored this question for decades. They've implemented strategies, developed lessons, and gained insights into what seems to work and what doesn't. Until recently, however, the question of comprehension was not explored in terms of what happens in our brains when we understand what we read. Today, thanks to advancements in neuroscience, we’re able to add this piece to the puzzle.
Read more To engage struggling readers, we need to provide interesting content written at their level. Unfortunately, most articles in the mainstream news don’t meet these criteria. Does this mean struggling readers won’t be able to read about current events? Not anymore.
Read more Male and female brains are different. It’s a scientific fact, yet you probably don’t need science to believe it. You observe it every day in how your students interact, how they play, maybe even how they learn. Have you ever wondered what these differences mean for struggling readers?
A recent study conducted by neuroscientists at Georgetown University Medical Center considered this question through a study of dyslexia. The study compared the brain anatomy of people with dyslexia to the brain anatomy of people without it. Unlike similar studies, the Georgetown study separated males from females and looked for differences between the two groups.
Read more As you gear up for a productive winter season, let’s take a minute to think about spring. We recommend using benchmark assessment data to compare the average weekly improvement of your students to the norms in the Average Weekly Improvement (AWI) table. Additionally, this data can help you set spring targets for your students.
Comparing your students’ weekly fluency gains to national norms provides a useful snapshot of how they measure up to their peers, but it’s equally important to determine whether a student is making the right amount of growth compared to him/herself. Some school districts have predetermined spring targets for students. If your district does not have predetermined targets, you can set them yourself.
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