Read Live User Guide

Student Recordings as Hot Timings: Overview

Recordings of student story and word list readings can be used by teachers to conduct hot timings. 

Saving a Student Recording:

  1. On the Pass/More Practice step, complete at least one practice reading.
    Note that the student will need to perform this step at least once for each time he or she logs in before being allowed to save a recording.
  2. Click Next.
    If the student's browser supports recordings in Read Live, the Pass/Recording step opens.
  3. Click Start Recording to begin a recorded timing.
  4. When the timed recording ends, either click Finished or click the last word read. 
    The page displays the number of words per minute the student read during the timing. This information can help the student decide whether another recording is necessary before the teacher reviews his or her performance.
  5. Using the audio controls on the page, review the recording.
  6. If necessary, after seeing the score in words per minute and hearing the recording, click Start Recording again to record over the previous attempt.
  7. When satisfied with the latest recording, click Next to continue. 
  8. If in a Phonics series, click Start Recording to begin recording a word list timing. 
  9. Review the word list recording and replace it as necessary. 
  10. Click Next to continue.
Notes on Student Recordings
  • Only students whose browser supports recording in Read Live will be able to save recordings. See the Read Live application's System Requirements.
  • After saving a story or word list recording and clicking Next, a student is not able to return to the recording page for another attempt at the same step.

Using the Waiting List to Manage Recordings:

The Waiting List in the Staff Member module displays all of the students at a user's school who are currently waiting for a teacher. It also indicates which students have saved recordings for their current stories, allowing hot timings to be conducted later by a teacher.

To quickly find students who have saved the necessary recordings for a story:

  1. Open the Waiting List.
  2. Scan for students with the word "Yes" in the Recording column. This column indicates that the student has saved all of the necessary recordings to perform a hot timing for their current story.
    For students in the Sequenced or Idioms series, "Yes" appears when the student has saved a story timing.
    Students in the Phonics series whose word list step is turned on must save both a story and a word list timing for "Yes" to be displayed. 
  3. Click the Login button for any student who has saved the necessary recordings to open a session as that student.
    A Login As session opens in a new tab for that student.
  4. Using the directions below, use the student's recording as a hot timing.

Using a Student Recording as a Hot Timing:

If a student has recorded a story or word list reading, you can use the Login As feature to grade that recording as a hot timing. If a student has saved a recording:

  1. Open a student session using the Login As feature.
  2. In the student session, click the Conduct Pass Activity button at the top of the page. 
  3. Log in using your staff member credentials.
  4. On the appropriate hot timing step, click the Score Recording button and choose Score Recording.
    The student's saved recording will begin playing along with the hot timing.
  5. Listen to the student's reading, keeping track of errors, just as you would for a live timing.
    You will need to click the student's last word, or the Finished button, when the recording ends, just as you would for a student reading to you live.
  6. When the reading is over, use the Number of missed words control to record the error count.
  7. Choose the student's Expression score.
Notes on Hot Timings Using Recordings
  • The Score Recording and Start Live Timing options are only available on the Pass/Hot Timing and Pass/Word List steps when a student has saved recordings for those steps. If no recordings are present, the pages will not include these options.
  • It is always possible to conduct a live timing for a student when the student is available, even if the student has previously saved a recording. On the Pass/Hot Timing and Pass/Word List steps, the Score Recording button can be changed to select Start Live Timing. This option allows the teacher to conduct a live timing as usual.
  • The last word the student clicks when saving a recorded story, and the resulting score, are not available when a teacher uses Score Recording on the hot timing page. The teacher still needs to listen to the recording for errors and confirm the score by clicking on the last word on Pass/Hot Timing.

See Also


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