Intervention Programs

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Read Naturally® GATE+

Lesson Flipbook and Digital Downloads

5 of 5 (12 reviews | add review)

Small-group instruction to teach phonemic awareness, phonics, high-frequency words, fluency, and more. Curriculum options: level 0.8 (Short Vowels), level 1.3 (Long Vowels), level 1.8 (Blends & Digraphs/Suffixes).


Additional Support:

Skill Level: Grade 1
Intervention Range: Grade 1‒3


Lesson Guide and Downloadable Display Books

5 of 5 (4 reviews | add review)

Teach phonemic awareness to small groups of pre-readers or struggling readers. Students gain awareness of words, syllables, rhyming, phonemes, and phoneme manipulation using a research-based, scripted curriculum with interactive exercises.


Skill Level: Pre-Readers or Beginning Readers
Intervention Range: Kindergarten to Grade 2

Read Live

Web App

5 of 5 (370 reviews | add review)

Individualized, online reading intervention program using web-based software. Read Live includes Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, One Minute Reader Live curriculum, and Read Naturally Live—Español to build fluency, develop phonics skills,...


Additional Support:

Skill Level: Grades 1‒8
Intervention Range: Beginning Reader to Adult Learner

Word Warm-ups® Live

Component of Read Live

5 of 5 (370 reviews | add review)

Individualized, online phonics intervention program using web-based software. Students build mastery and automaticity in phonics and decoding with audio-supported lessons covering specific phonics patterns.


Additional Support:

Skill Level: Grades 1‒5
Intervention Range: Beginning Reader to Adult Learner

Word Warm-ups®

Reproducible Masters with Audio

4.9 of 5 (8 reviews | add review)

A quick, timed, independent phonics intervention program that builds automaticity in phonics and decoding for students who have had some phonics instruction but have not yet mastered decoding words. Students work mostly independently with audio...


Additional Support:

Skill Level: Grades 1‒4
Intervention Range: Beginning Reader to Adult Learner

Signs for Sounds™

Lesson Guide and Reproducible Masters

4.9 of 5 (12 reviews | add review)

Teacher-led small group or individual instruction to teach regular phonetic spelling patterns and high-frequency words through spelling.


Additional Support:

Skill Level: Grades 1‒3
Intervention Range: Beginning Reader to Adult Learner

Assessment Tools

Reading assessments help teachers determine which students need intervention programs and help monitor their progress.

Quick Phonics Screener

QPS: Quick Phonics ScreenerThis diagnostic assessment identifies students’ strengths and instructional needs in phonics—decoding and encoding—and now includes a time-saving spelling assessment.

Reading Fluency Progress Monitor

Reading Fluency Progress Monitor​Continuously monitor students' growth in reading proficiency with fiction and nonfiction passages at grades 1 to 8.


Read Naturally Training

To help you grow as an educator and make the most of Read Naturally programs, we offer a range of professional development options. 


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